Posted: April 5, 2012
Ms. Hitchman - Archived - 08/2012
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: April 5, 2012
Posted: April 5, 2012
Read 25 minutes and log
Complete planning sheet of French Story- Dur Tuesday
Book Order is due April 27th
Posted: April 4, 2012
1.Book Orders are due April 27th.
2. Easter Dinner tomorrow- $4.75 - No other special offered this day
Posted: April 4, 2012
Read 25 minutes and log in agenda
Social Studies:
*Find a copyright free photo that reflects your Medieval Project and save it on your Flash Drive and bring in tomorrow.
You can look at the Copyright LINK under weblinks on the teacher page.
*Life in a Castle: Complete questions up to Section D
Find ONE interesting Fact about Salmon
French: Practice saying your alphabet in French to someone at home.
Posted: April 3, 2012
There will be an Easter Dinner on Thursday. It will consist of Turkey, Potatoes, Gracy, Veggies and Cake for dessert.
Choice of Milk or Juice. $4.75 total.
*There will be no other special that day.
Please pre-order tomorrow from the Cafeteria.
Posted: April 3, 2012
*Here are your April Spelling words. If you study a couple each night, I know everyone
can get them all right!
April Spelling Words
Posted: April 3, 2012
Language Arts: Complete questions 1-7 on pages 29-30 in handout for "Life in a Castle"
Read 25 minutes and log in agenda's
Phys. Ed: Bring gym clothes for tomorrow please.
Remember to bring an extra pair of sneakers for the gymnasium.
Indoor shoes should not be used outdoors, as it can track in sand and dirt.
Science: I have attached web links on my teacher page for Properties of Matter.
This is linked with our unit on Matter. They are fun and interesting!
Posted: April 2, 2012
Science:Properties of Matter Games
Here are a few other interactive games on solids, liquids and gases! Have fun!
Posted: April 2, 2012
Properties of Matter
This is a great website to help students visualize the different properties of matter.