Ms. Hackett


Posted: June 1, 2020

In Science, we learned about plants, soils and habitats. We didn't get a chance to explore Canadian Rocks and Minerals. So here is a little lesson..... you can find, and identify, lots of interesting rocks right in your backyard. When you find a new rock, clean it outside using water and an old, soft toothbrush. Have fun exploring! :) Opaque- something that does not allow any light to pass through it.

Posted: June 1, 2020

PDF icon asdn_weekly_steam_issue_9_2.pdf703.98 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

PDF icon week_6_camp_mathematician_3-5.pdf138.16 KB

Keep reading daily!

Try this:

Have someone tape you reading a book so you can hear how it sounds. Use a book that you know and love. Does it sound like talking? Do you pause at commas, and stop at end punctuation marks? Does your voice get louder when you read words in BOLD PRINT?


Writing/Word Work:


The second half of the list of commonly misspelled words:

16. baborpyl

17. ssrcoa

18. rehgotte

19. ourieavtf

20. aeiuuflbt

21. omcgin

22. ppenahde

23. luodc

24. eriffdent

25. etunim

26. dsoe

27. areyll

28. eiapls

29. ooorrwmt

30. ssuierpr


Write a note or message to a family member. Hide it or leave it for them to find in an unexpected place. Examples: in their shoe, under their pillow.


Make a list of 10 things that either make you feel calm or give you good energy. Try to do something from the list every day. :)



Increasing (growing) patterns:

Rule: Start at 450 and add 5 each time. What would the 10th. number be?

Rule: Start at 686 and add 4 each time. What would the 8th. number be?

Rule: Start at 800 and add 100 each time. What would the 12th. number be?

Decreasing (shrinking) patterns:

Rule: Start at 1000 and subtract 3 each time. What would the 11th. number be?

Rule: Start at 333 and subtract 10 each time. What would the 8th. number be?

Rule: Start at 791 and subtract 5 each time. What would the 9th. number be?

Posted: June 1, 2020

Ethan, Mia and their mom made math fun! If Ethan got the math question his mom called out incorrect, Mia got a chance to "wet him down". :) Great family fun!!

Posted: June 1, 2020

Good morning, boys and girls!

This morning I am writing your note in our classroom! It is sooo quiet without my 18 munchkins! :(

There will be today's home learning, and then next Monday will be the last post for this school year. I know the weather is warm, and you are getting tired of home learning, but try to continue doing some work for another 2 weeks. 

Take care. I'll be phoning from school during the week.

Feeling lonely in Room 144.


Ms. Hackett :)

Posted: May 27, 2020

Ethan, Mia (his sister), and Axel (his cousin) are having great fun! Biking, reading inside a tent and painting rocks on the deck! Wow! Great stuff! :) And look at Ethan and Mia (who is beginning K in September) sporting their Nelson Rural hoodies! Proud Raiders!! :)

Posted: May 25, 2020

As before, feel free to complete activities at all levels. All good learning! :)

PDF icon asdn_weekly_steam_issue_8.pdf807.84 KB

Posted: May 25, 2020

Have fun with these activities! Your symmetrical mittens were sent home in your bag. We didn't get a chance to hang them, but you did a great job! :) When using the flyer for the estimation task, round everything that ends in .97 and .99 to the next dollar ( $2.97 and $2.99 go to $3.00). Also, to make sure you have enough money for the cashier, don't go beyond $25. You have to think about TAX!!

Read! Read! Read! Aim for 20 minutes every day! :)

Writing/Word Work

There is a list of 30 words that kids in grades 3 and 4 use a lot, and misspell a lot. I am going to give you 15 this week, and 15 next week. As an added challenge, I am going to scramble the letters. Unscramble, and get an adult to see if they are correct. Now study them. You will be using them over and over....

1. tiueq

2. ybeam

3. rou

4. uoehng

5. litnu

6. dwrie

7. nfdrie

8. chhiw

9. eeenxlltc

10. tteill

11. yase

12. sue

13. scbeeua

14. neco

15. ginaa


Do you prefer playing indoors or outdoors? Make a pros and cons list. Write for 10 minutes without stopping why one is better than the other. 


SYNONYM- a synonym is a word that means exactly or nearly the same as another word.  

When writing, we sometimes get into the habit of using the same words over and over.                           

Example:    He is really funny!

To make your writing more interesting, replace funny with....

Examples:       He is hilarious!       He is sooo comical!

Write a synonym for each of the following words:

1. nice-

2. pretty-

3. good-

4. ran-

5. looked- 


Write as many words as you can using the letters from your first and last name. Challenge yourself! Can you get a 5 letter word? A 6 letter word? :) Throw in your middle name! With the extra letters, how about a 7 letter word??? ;)



This week's Nature Ninja tasks are about estimating, symmetry and multiplication. The STEAM post has you working with fact families using the number 54. Remember, there are 4 sentences in a fact family (unless it's a double). We have addition/subtraction families and multiplication/division families. It is important to use fact family knowledge, because if you know 1 fact in a family, you really know all 4. 

     Try these:

1.          28

7x4=28        20+8=28

4x7=28        8+20=28

28%4=7       28-8=20

28%7=4       28-20=8

2. 48

3. 42

4. 35

5. 60

*sorry about division symbol! :(



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