Home Learning- Week of June1st.- June 5th.

Posted: June 1, 2020

Keep reading daily!

Try this:

Have someone tape you reading a book so you can hear how it sounds. Use a book that you know and love. Does it sound like talking? Do you pause at commas, and stop at end punctuation marks? Does your voice get louder when you read words in BOLD PRINT?


Writing/Word Work:


The second half of the list of commonly misspelled words:

16. baborpyl

17. ssrcoa

18. rehgotte

19. ourieavtf

20. aeiuuflbt

21. omcgin

22. ppenahde

23. luodc

24. eriffdent

25. etunim

26. dsoe

27. areyll

28. eiapls

29. ooorrwmt

30. ssuierpr


Write a note or message to a family member. Hide it or leave it for them to find in an unexpected place. Examples: in their shoe, under their pillow.


Make a list of 10 things that either make you feel calm or give you good energy. Try to do something from the list every day. :)



Increasing (growing) patterns:

Rule: Start at 450 and add 5 each time. What would the 10th. number be?

Rule: Start at 686 and add 4 each time. What would the 8th. number be?

Rule: Start at 800 and add 100 each time. What would the 12th. number be?

Decreasing (shrinking) patterns:

Rule: Start at 1000 and subtract 3 each time. What would the 11th. number be?

Rule: Start at 333 and subtract 10 each time. What would the 8th. number be?

Rule: Start at 791 and subtract 5 each time. What would the 9th. number be?