Posted: December 11, 2020
Mrs. Yake
Posted: December 11, 2020
If the problem persists contact your website administrator. Please check logs for further debugging.
Posted: December 11, 2020
If the problem persists contact your website administrator. Please check logs for further debugging.
Posted: November 5, 2020
Posted: October 14, 2020
Posted: October 14, 2020
We will be having a VIRTUAL Pumpkin carving/decorating contest this year. Two categories: (1) Carving and (2) Decorating. Students will decorate or carve their own pumpkins at home and take a picture of themselves WITH their pumpkin and email it to Mme Hitchman at The deadline for entries is October 23rd.
Any student who would like to participate can send the picture any time between now and the 26th of October! Happy carving/decorating!
Posted: September 30, 2020
Posted: September 30, 2020
Posted: September 29, 2020
Reminder to families of our Fletcher's Farm field trip tomorrow morning. We'll be leaving the school at 8:30am and returning shortly after 11:00am. Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather. It's calling for rain showers, so rubber boots and a rain coat is recommended. It's going to be an exciting morning and a perfect way to celebrate the fall season!
Mme Yake
Posted: September 29, 2020
Welcome! I am so happy you are here. I am really looking forward to the incredible year we have ahead of us, and I am thrilled to be able to share it with your child. Please check this space often. I will share important information and photos of the children as they learn and have fun.