Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Hi there and welcome back I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Easter holiday. Did the Easter Bunny find you? I can't wait to hear all about your Easter.

Heres what is happening in Kindergarten for a four day week;

Literacy- Please read your Borrow-A-Books each night. We have 3 books again this week.Please read a one or two of your books each night. As you read, point to each word and stop at the period.Use the pictures for cues to help identify the words. Read the sight words you know and try to stretch out unknown words by saying all the letter sounds you hear. Please remember to fill in the reading log each night and have your child print their name.This week, please, return all books in the borrow-a-book bag on Thursday.Thanks! 

Rock Star Words- Review your word list this week. When your child knows all words quickly, please sign (parent signature) the sheet and return it to class and I will test your child to see if they are ready for the next list. We are reviewing words daily in class and once your child consistently recognizes a few words in print, I will send a list home with them. 

Report Cards- Please sign and return the student response form,parent\teacher interview slip and the envelope.Thanks.

Parent\Teacher Interviews will be scheduled for Thursday April 13th from 4-6pm and Friday,April 14th,from 8:30-1130am.There will be NO SCHOOL for students on Friday.

Book Orders are due Wednesday April 12.

Phys. Ed. Classes - We have gym classes on Tuesday and  Thursday this week.Dress comfy to run, play and exercise.If the weather is nice, please be prepared to go outside for class with Mrs. Dickson.

 Water bottles- Please pack your water bottle and bring it to school each day.

Looking forward to a week of fun with my little Kinders!Smile and be kind to each other! :) Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen


We want to wish our families and friends a very Happy Easter!Enjoy your holiday, love your sweet little bunnies!

Posted: April 9, 2023

The children did a terrific job using paint sticks to create a beautiful ABC pattern Easter egg wreaths. 

Posted: April 9, 2023

Hip, Hip, Hooray, this sweet little boy is turning 6 today. Wow a special celebration on Easter day. Have a super fun day Tate! Love you Kinder friends , Miss Holland and Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen.

Posted: April 7, 2023

There was lots of excitment with our secret egg activity. The children did a great job writing their 3 clues for what was inside their egg. We made some great guesses and got many right! A really fun Easter activity. Way to go Kinders!!

Posted: April 7, 2023

We  want to thank our Home & School for the Easter Egg Hunt activity. We had a lot of fun searching for clues and finding the treasure....a basket filled with eggs!! Thanks again and Happy Easter!!

Posted: April 7, 2023

The chidren did a lovely job with their baskets. They did an ABC pattern choosing three different colours. The cute little bunny is made from their handprint. They truly are "handsome " bunnies! Great job, Kinders!

Posted: April 7, 2023

More building mazes and having fun watching them fall down!!

Posted: April 7, 2023

The children painted their rainbows using bright pastel colours, flat and round sponge brushes. They really loved painting as you can see. Some choose to paint other pictures as they were having sooo much fun. We did a directed...

Posted: April 7, 2023

The children continue to have sooo much fun creating dominoes with blocks! Love the excitement!


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Added: Sun, Apr 23 2023