Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: January 14, 2024

Hi everyone! It was a messy weekend and we have a little more snow and ice so be sure to wear your snow suits,boots,hats,warm mittens. It's best to dress warmly as we will be outside for recess and lunch, weather permitting.                                                                                                             

Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes everyday except Thursday.Be sure to wear comfy clothes.


Library- We will go to the library on Thursday, be sure to bring your book so you can sign out a new book.

Homework- This week for homework you will have a book to read; "Look at winter", and 2 pages to complete. The book focuses on the sight words look, at,the, sound out the unknown word and use the picture to figure out the word.The book is in the front sleeve of the home work book. Be sure to read each night and sign the reading log when you read. The pages are:1) Literacy-complete beginning letter sound page- look at the picture and print the letter the word begins with. Please use a pencil and try to sound out the rest of the letters you hear in the word for ex. apl would be acceptable for apple as the "e" is silent at the end of the word. 2) Math- play the dice game One More. Play with another player, roll the dice and colour the number that is one more than the 1 you rolled. ex. roll a 5 colour 6. The person with the most numbers coloured wins. Please return the homework book on Friday. Thanks

Don't forget to pack your water bottle, everyday.

Let's have a super week at school, Kinders! Smile and Be Kind to each other.

Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

Posted: January 11, 2024

Hip Hooray, Willow is 6 years old, yeahhhh!! We want to wish this sweet little girl a fantastic birthday! We hope you had an awesome day ! Love, your Kinder friends and Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen.

We did a count down and rang in 2024 with hats and horns. We want to wish all of our families and friends a fantastic new year!

Posted: January 8, 2024

Hip, Hip, Horray, Benjamin is now 6 years old. He is the first of our Kinder friends to turn 6 and he celebrated on the weekend. We hope you had a fun birthday and an awesome year. Love your Kinder friends and Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen.

Posted: January 7, 2024

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing holiday! I am excited to begin 2024 with my little Kinders and to hear all about their celebration.                                  

We begin the year with a little snow on the ground and colder days ahead so please dress in your snow suits,boots,hats, warm mittens. We will be going outside weather permitting.                                                                                                             

Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes everyday this week except for Thursday.Be sure to wear comfortable clothing.                        

Library- We will go to the library on Thursday to sign out a new book.

Homework- On Tuesday, the homework book will be going home with 2 pages. One is for letter\sound fluency the other is roll and read the words page. Please circle any letters\sounds or words on either page that your child doesnot know or had trouble identifying quickly. Please return the homework book on Friday. Thanks

Don't forget to pack your water bottle, everyday.

I can't wait to see my little Kinders for our first day back at school. Looking forward to an awesome week in Kindergarten. Smile and have fun! Be Kind to each other.

Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen :)

Posted: January 7, 2024

Congratulations to this sweet little boy who is our class I-CARE kid for December!! Great job, Gage!

Posted: January 3, 2024


Mon, Jan 8/24 (All day)

Happy New Year everyone! Can't wait to see you on Monday, our first day together in 2024!

Posted: January 3, 2024

Our first time skating was a fun time for all. It's hard to believe many of ouir Kinders were on skates for the first time, as they tried theri best the whole time using skate helpers and support from family, Mrs. Dickson and Mr. Cook. By the end of our session many were able to skate on...

Posted: January 3, 2024

Our last week before Christmas was a busy one. We  enjoyed dressing up for spirit week and had fun playing a Grinch math dice game, performing for our concert and listening to Mr. Fitzpatrick read the Polar express, a Nelson Rural Christmas tradition.

Posted: January 3, 2024

Great job creating these awesome Christmas trees, Kinders!!


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