Hellos Grade 7. Here is your homework for this evening:
Homeroom Business: Those of you who received needles from Public Health did a great job. You are all very brave! Your arm should feel a little sore tonight but you will be just fine. So fine in fact that you should be able to get your homework done!!
Physed- Bring your gym clothes for tomorrow please.
L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes
French- Do a little prep work researching phenomena (a fact or event that can be observed or studied but may be difficult to explain or prove) in one of the following categories:
Natural- ie. the Northern Lights
UFO ( an Unidentified Flying Object) things people have seen in the sky-
Legend- Stories such as the headless nun- is it real or fiction?
I simply want you to know ahead of class a little info on one of these type of phenomena. Choose something that peaks your interest enough that you would like to do an oral presentation on the topic. If you do not have a computer at home maybe you could ask your parent\guardian or a grandparent if they know of something interesting. It can be something that happened in New Brunswick or anywhere in the world. Have fun with this. Maybe I will learn something new? Maybe Maria will have an interesting story from Columbia to share? Have a good evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow. Maria nos vemos manana!