Mrs. Hawkes - Archive - 08/2012

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Posted: March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!     8H, 8M, 7H, 7M Language Arts 1. All students are working on their formal speech     Final written copy is due April 1st      -formal title page      -unlined white paper (typed or handwritten/double-spaced)      -Bibliography (sources) page   Speech presentations will be March 30th, 31st and April 1st  in language arts class. (Note: These dates are the intended dates...)     8H-8M Social Studies 1. p. 70 (blue diamonds) physical or emotional needs? 2. (8M) Review for quiz Thursday (undersatnding of terms)   7M Social Studies 1. Working on "mini-project"     See assignment sheet in notebook.    

Posted: March 11, 2010

Finally! Ski Trip tomorrow!  -don't forget a lunch  -dress in layers (it's cold in the morning/warmer in the afternoon)   Students staying at school have an activity day that is scheduled. Bring a lunch if you did not already pay for pizza!   8H-8M Language Arts 1. See posting for yesterday (everything done?) 2. Complete Lessons 20,24,25 if not finished in class 3. Speech topic is due Monday! 4. Limerick? Are you entering the contest?????   8H-8M Social Studies 1. Assignments were supposed to be completed in class, if not, get them done for Monday. 2. Study terms   7H-7M Language Arts 1. Check posting for yesterday. Is everything up to date? 2. All work on oral tradition complete 3. (7M) Speech topic for Monday and lessons 20,24,25 finished.      

Posted: March 11, 2010

Finally! Ski Trip tomorrow!  -don't forget a lunch  -dress in layers (it's cold in the morning/warmer in the afternoon)   Students staying at school have an activity day that is scheduled. Bring a lunch if you did not already pay for pizza! 8H-8M Language Arts 1. See posting for yesterday (everything done?) 2. Complete Lessons 20,24,25 if not finished in class 3. Speech topic is due Monday! 4. Limerick? Are you entering the contest?????   8H-8M Social Studies 1. Assignments were supposed to be completed in class, if not, get them done for Monday. 2. Study terms   7H-7M Language Arts 1. Check posting for yesterday. Is everything up to date? 2. All work on oral tradition complete 3. (7M) Speech topic for Monday and lessons 20,24,25 finished.      

Posted: March 10, 2010

ORATORY UNIT (public speaking) has begun.   Formal speeches will be presented  March 30th-April 1st   Speech topics? See Feb.25th posting for more information!   LIMERICK CONTEST for Gr. 6,7 and 8 students is underway! -The limerick form will be reviewed in L.Arts classes -Students present their limerick to their LA teacher, who will select the poems eligible for the contest (Poems must be submitted by March 19th) -Movie passes will be awarded for the top 3 limericks submitted.   7H and 7M Language Arts 1. (7M) Assignment on "Oral Tradition" must be completed by Monday 2. (7H) Above assignment due tomorrow (Thursday) 3. Brainstorm for speech topics that interest you! 4. (7M) get clauses quiz signed   8H-8M Language Arts 1. Get quiz signed (clauses) 2. Complete the assignments on the film "Witness to Auschwitz" (for Monday) 3. Brainstorm for speech topics that interest YOU!   8H-8M Social Studies 1. Complete the assigned work and study the assigned definitions. 2. Each class be prepared for a quiz on the material covered! 3. Assignments: p.69 Q.1&3; p.72 Q. 1(a)&2   7M Social Studies 1. Assignment (2 sheets) must be completed for Thursday!     (economic security/capitalism/socialism)    

Posted: February 25, 2010

Public Speaking Unit begins in March!   -Gr.7 and Gr. 8 students should be thinking about a suitable topic for a   3-4minute speech. Speeches are presented at the end of March! -Middle school speeches must be persuasive in nature -choose a topic that you have a strong opinion about (something that directly   affects you!)   7/8M Language Arts 1. Review clauses -see notes in notebook (independent, dependent, subordinating     conjunctions...) 2. Complete the activity to identify clauses 3. Be prepared for a test in class tomorrow!   8H Language Arts 1. Final copy of response ( Quote on bystanders-how it applys to the unit on Tolerance)    

Posted: February 22, 2010

Fundraising Pledge Sheets were sent home - money being collected now!   8H-8M Language Arts 1. (8M) Responses: final copies on Journal and quote about bystanders. 2. (8H) Response: Quote about bystanders 3. Read poem "First they Came" and answer 4 questions   8H-8M Social Studies 1. TEST on Thursday for both classes (8H will write in LArts class!) 2. Essay (8H) due Wednesday: final copy and formal title page.   7H-7M Language Arts 1. Novel notebooks being collected on Wednesday. Title page is due! 2. Final copies of character sketch and journal entry must be in the notebook! 3. Context clues vocabulary sheet given today must be completed. 4. An assignment sheet will be given in class Tuesday (to be used for finalizing all work before     the notebook is passed in!)   7M Social Studies 1. Still some projects to be presented! These will be presented before the March Break!

Posted: February 19, 2010

8H-8M Social Studies 1. Essay due Monday (8M) 2. Essay draft to be used on Monday for revision (8H) 3. Unit test by Thursday -review terminology on the overview sheet given at the beginning of the                                           unit.   7M Social Studies 1. Projects presented on Monday- order of presentation was established on Thursday.   Language Arts (7H,7M, 8H,8M) Look back over the previous postings to check that all assigned work is up to date!

Posted: February 17, 2010

All classes are studying SPELLING tonight!   Final test for Spell-a-Thon is tomorrow!   Pledge Sheets are still being collected.   Homework for 7H,7M,8H,8M  L.Arts and Soc. St. - please refer to the last days" postings

Posted: February 16, 2010

Study Spelling list for Thursday!   8H-8M Language Arts 1. Spelling list study! 2. (8M) -"Cell Phone" - essay organizer activity              -draft of journal entry for Gerda "One Survivor Remembers"   8H-8M Social Studies 1. Essay draft (8H) 2. (8M) Final copy of essay with draft attached due Friday             -formal presentation             -unlined paper/double-spaced/formal title page   7H-7M Language Arts 1. Study spelling! 2. Chapters 27-29 completed in notebook 3. Character sketch and journal drafts (should be ready to re-write in class)   7M Social Studies 1. Any questions/ problems with project?      (See me at noon on Wednesday) 2. Presentation of projects on Thursday!

Posted: February 15, 2010

Pledge Sheets for Spell-a-thon due tomorrow!   Tuesday-"Crazy Hat Day"    Teachers vs students VOLLEYBALL 2:00pm   8H-8M Language Arts 1. Spelling practice! 2. (8M) use graphic organizer to dissect the essay "Cell Phone Mania" (in notebook)   8H-8M Social Studies 1. (8M) Essay draft must be attached to final copy Friday          (Unlined paper and formal title page) 2. (8H) Draft for Tuesday   7H-7M Language Arts 1. Study spelling for spelling bee 2. Character sketch draft due.  
