
Posted: February 14, 2011

Congratulations to the Nelson Rural Middle School Boys basketball team as they defeated Dr. Losier in the championship game by a score of 56-53 last weekend. The boys will now get ready to host the NB Provincial Championship which will take place on February 26th/27th at Nelson Rural School. Good Luck boys!!

Posted: January 28, 2011

Several grade 3 and grade 5 students at Nelson Rural will be taking part in the first annual Croft Pond Hockey tournament at Croft Elementary.  The grade 3 tournament will begin at 11 am on February 2nd while the grade 5 tournament will be held Friday February 4th from 9 am until approximately 2 pm. Schedules for both tournaments can be found under the "Latest Documents" section on the school main page. Good luck to all those participating.  Go Nelson Go!!!

Posted: January 4, 2011

Nelson Rural would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2011!   Reminder: There is no school for students on Monday January 10th as this is a C.I. Day for all staff.  Classes will resume on Tuesday January 11th.

Posted: December 23, 2010

From everyone at Nelson Rural School have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Posted: December 22, 2010

Due to the cancellation of school on Wednesday December 22nd the Nelson Rural Christmas Concert will be held on Thursday December 23rd.  NOTE: Because this is a half day there will only be one concert show beginning at 9 am.

Posted: December 20, 2010

This is a reminder to parents, students, and staff that the school cafeteria will NOT be serving lunch this Wednesday December 22nd and Thursday Dec. 23rd (half day).  In the event there is a storm on Tuesday Dec.21st the Christmas concert will still be on Wednesday Dec.22nd.  Thursday Dec.23rd will be a half day with bus dismissal beginning at 11:30 am.

Posted: December 20, 2010

NELSON RURAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT The Nelson Rural Christmas Concert will take place on Wednesday Dec.22nd.  There will be two shows.  The first show will begin at 9am and the second show will begin at noon.   LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF   The last day (half day) of school for students and staff before Christmas break will be Thursday December 23rd.

Posted: December 15, 2010

Over the last several weeks Nelson Rural students, staff, and parents have been collecting food donations in support of the local food bank.  Shown in the picture are members of the student council delivering the donations to volunteer Mrs. Curry.  A Huge Thank You to everyone that donated food items during the drive!!!

Posted: December 13, 2010

Please find attached the schedule and events for Christmas Spirit Week!!

Posted: December 13, 2010

This is a reminder that the Christmas Turkey Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday December 15th.  The cost for the dinner is $4.  Money for the dinner is to be given to homeroom teachers.  NOTE: Students not purchasing dinner are asked to bring a packed lunch as turkey is the only item on the menu.   


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