
Posted: November 7, 2020

Nelson Rural will remember... The grade 6/7 M will be hosting a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony for students on Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 pm. This will be live streamed on our School Facebook page "Nelson Rural School Information". Students will be watching and participating from their classroom. Students do not need to dress up for this ceremony as they will be watching in their classroom. 

Posted: November 4, 2020

A big thank you to the Davey O’Toole Memorial Bursary and the O’Toole family for their generous donation to our cafeteria lunch program.

Posted: October 31, 2020

Here are the documents for our First Heart Healthy School Documents! 

Posted: October 30, 2020

Please read document

Posted: October 30, 2020

Please read the attached Joint statement. The full document is under "News" and "Documents" on our website. 

Thank you for your cooperation.

Posted: October 26, 2020

Wishing everyone a happy halloween! Joyeuse Halloween! Have fun and stay safe! 

Posted: October 20, 2020

Memo about school Closures

Posted: October 14, 2020

We will be having a VIRTUAL Pumpkin carving/decorating contest this year! Two categories: (1) Carving and (2) Decorating.

Posted: October 5, 2020

Wishing all of our staff, students & their families a Happy Thanksgiving/Joyeux Action de Grâce! 

Posted: September 23, 2020

The annual Terry Fox Run is on September 30th. Nelson Rural School supports the Marathon of Hope and will once again fundraise by class. Our goal this year is for each of our K-8 classes to raise $40 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Marathon of Hope initiative.


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