Home Learning Week 8 May 25

Posted: May 25, 2020

Good morning Raiders! 

Should be another gorgeous week of sunshine coming our way (maybe with some thunderstorms mixed in there too!). Here are some activities this week for 7M and 6J. I hope you enjoy them! 

A few reminders:

1. 7M we will have our weekly class call Thursday @ 2pm.

2. Don't forget to check your other teachers' pages as well. 7M this is now technically your music block for exploratory, so Mrs. O'Neill-Delano encourages you to check out her teacher page for some fun music learning opportunities!

3. 7M parents please email me before Friday if you are interested in purchasing a yearbook and have not already.

4. Here is the link to upload Home Learning/COVID-19 pictures of families and siblings for the yearbook:


Take care everyone! :)