Ms. Hitchman

welcome back!

Posted: September 21, 2017

Information for parents

Posted: September 20, 2017

Posted: September 20, 2017

We are very excited to be hosting our "Meet the Teacher" evening tomorrow, Thursday, September 21.

We will begin at 5pm in our school cafeteria. Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Maloney will say a few words and introduce the staff. We will then move outside for a BBQ and some fun where there will be a jumping castle!

Before heading outside, please join me, Mme Hitchman in my classroom to answer any questions you may have about the French Immersion program.

I hope to see everyone here to meet the staff of Nelson rural and to enjoy the BBQ!
*If you can not attend the Meet the Teacher night, however would like to meet me, feel free to call the school and we can set up a time that best works with your schedule!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: September 20, 2017

A big thank you to Mrs Russell and Mr.Hayward who came to our class to launch the Stem bins! The students had a wonderful time and are excited to start them in our class! 

Posted: September 20, 2017


A big thank you to Mrs Russell and Mr.Hayward who came to our class to launch the Stem bins! The students had a wonderful time and are excited to start them in our class! 

Posted: September 19, 2017

Sound of the week


A copy of the sound poem will be sent home tomorrow. Please practice the sound "i" by clicking on the link attached. :)

Posted: September 19, 2017


Just a reminder that pictures are due back tomorrow, September 20, 2017

Retakes will be taking place in October.

Posted: September 18, 2017

The grade one FI class has started a class project which they are excited about! It is a language project of their progression throughout the school year. 

This video is a combination of quick clips that they recorded the end of their second week of school, 9th day. 

Great job! 

Posted: September 18, 2017

Posted: September 17, 2017


Bonjour tout le monde!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and ready for our 3rd week of school!

Here are a few notes for this week!

We will be having our show and tell every friday with a different colour. Last week, students brought something special in that was ROUGE!

This week the colour will be BLEU (Blue)!  I am excited to see what the students will bring in this week to share!

Tuesday (Mardi): Credit union will be coming in, so if students want to open up an account, they can on Tuesday! Memo was sent home on Friday

Also, Library is every Tuesday! Students are allowed to pick a fun book from the library for grade 1, and I will be sending home a levelled book as well for them to read each night and bring back on Friday!

Wednesday (mercredi): STEM Launch! Ms. Russell will be coming in to our class to launch our STEM bins. They are ready to go, and students will be able to do hands-on innovative activities and will be building structures using basic supplies provided! STEM stands for Science, technology, Engineering and Math

Thursday (jeudi): Scholastic book orders will be going out, so if you would like to order something for your child, please have the order in by Thursday this week.

Friday (vendredi): Show and tell (BLEU)

Our class has also started a class project which is a video documentary and will be recording their language progress each week until the end of the year! Stay tuned on the teacher page for snap shots of their progress through video clips I will be uploading.

Grandparent Tea was a great success! Thank you to all who came to support this special day! Our video of the song the class sang is on the teacher page! :)

Have a great week!

Mme Hitchman




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