Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: March 14, 2024

The children did a nice job creating these special potato leprechauns, love the green and orange colours.

Posted: March 14, 2024

We will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day on Friday, so please wear green or wear an Irish shirt!!

Hi and welcome back ! I hope you had a fun  and relaxing March Break. I am so excited to see all of you and hear about what you did on your break.                                                             

Phys.Ed-We have phys.ed classes everyday except Thursday. Dress in comfortable clothing.

Library- On Thursday, we will be signing out a new book for the week.Please have someone read the book to you and return the book in your library bag the folllowing week.

Homework- This week: Review your sight words, once you know the words quickly hava a parent sign your sheet and return it to class. I will check your childs words and send home the next sheet if they are ready. Read the leprechaun book a few times this week. Read the sight words and sound out unknown words, use the picture to help. Students print their names on the reading log each night they read.Math-Play the roll a leprechaun dice game with 1 or more people. Literacy- Complete the missing letters alphabet sheet. Return your homework book to class every Friday. Thanks!!

Your Roots are Showing- We will be learning about St. Patrick's Day this week. As we explore the holiday, the country of Ireland and the culture, we would love to know about your families heritage and which of our Kinders are Irish. A heritage sheet will go home on Tuesday for you to complete with your child. Please fill it in and have your child draw a picture of a favourite family tradition you celebrate. Return the sheet for Friday. Thanks!

Bring your water bottle to school everyday.

Let's have a great first week back, Kinders. It will be wonderful to come back to class, to work, play and have fun together.

Smile and be kind:) Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: March 3, 2024

Everyone looks soooo comfy in their PJs. Way to go Kinders,great school spirit!

Posted: March 3, 2024

We wanted to see what happens when snows melts, we picked two chunks of snow that some kinders were playing with (picture 1).When the snow melted the next day (picture 2) the Kinders were quick to say they wouldn't drink it,...

Congratulations to Khloe and Benjamin, our I-CARE KIDS for February. These sweet little kinders are always ready to listen, share and lend a hand for their friends. Way to go!!

Posted: March 3, 2024

We read books and watched videos on kindness. The children made donuts, sprinkled with kind words and shared how they spread kindness.On Friday,we enjoyed a special donut covered with lots of SPRINKLES!!

Posted: February 28, 2024

Wonderful support for Pink Shirt Day, Kinders. You all look great! We watched videos, read stories, participated in kindness activities, wrote about kindness and showed how we can be kind to each other as we worked and played...

Posted: February 28, 2024

These Kind Kinders can share many ways to show kindness. Lovely ideas , Kinders!

Posted: February 27, 2024

Hope to see lots of pink shirts tomorrow as we show that we care about others and choose kindess.


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Added: Sat, Mar 8 2025


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