Posted: January 8, 2014
Welcome back boys and girls. I hope that you had a great holiday with your family and friends. It is great to be back to school with our friends. I know that this will be an awesome year.
Homework- This week please read your book each night. Remember the reading strategies we have talked about in class. They will help you if you get stuck on a word. Try and figure it out on your own first and if you can't get the word ask for help.
Please print the word of the week in your agenda.
Cold Weather- Brrrrr!!!! We have had some very cold weather this Winter. Please remember to dress for the weather and bring your hats, mittens and ski pants to school with you.
Library-We borrowed our first book from the library this Wednesday. The children love to choose their own book. Books about animals certainly seem to be a favourite. Your book is due back every Wednesday.
Phys. Ed.- This week we have gym class on Thursday and Friday. Yeah!!!! We love to go to the gym!
Skating- We will be going skating on January 16th at 9:40am. This will be a special activity because we get to go with our Grade 8 buddies form Mr. Keating's class. The student's are very excited and can't wait to go.