Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Nora had a lot of fun working on her timeline and shared some lovely pictures. You were so cute, Nora. She also solved the secret message and was able to show 10 in many ways. Thanks for sharing Nora, you did a great job! 

Kenzie had fun solving my secret message, and showing 10 in different ways by making dots on ladybugs. I love your timeline Kenzie you choose some very cute pictures.Great job, thanks for sharing!!

Great work Arabella, you solved my secret message and were able to show 10 in different ways. I love your timeline, very cute pictures.You did a great job writing about what you were like at each age.Thanks for sharing!!!

Posted: June 2, 2020

Evan had a lot of fun looking through photo albums with his family and learning what he was like as a baby. Sweet pictures, Evan! Awesome job on your timeline and writing! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Posted: June 2, 2020

David has been practicing his printing and colouring and loves doing puzzles. Great job with your Canadian puzzle,David! Thanks for sharing your pictures. Keep up the good work!!!

Posted: June 1, 2020

This is the timeline you can use to show how you have grown.Be sure to share a picture of your timeline, so we can see how you have changed since you were a baby.

PDF icon see_how_i_have_grown.pdf176.79 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

Here is another secret meassage for you to try. Be sure to let me know when you solve it.Good Luck!! 

PDF icon secret_code_message_2_s-g.pdf130.34 KB

Hi there and happy 1st day of June !! Today I am back at school, in our classroom and one very, very important part of our room is missimg. MY KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS!!! Mrs. Alward and I are missing your more today than when we first left. We sure wish you all were here with us!! It's hard to believe that we are on week 9 of home learning. I hope you give some of the activities a try and keep working hard with your reading, writing and math. We will finish our unit on the five senses and have a taste test for the final activity. We also want to learn more about you. What were you like as a baby? What can you do now that you couldn't do when you were younger?  We want you to do a timeline to show us how you have grown. I can't wait to see your baby pictures. Have a wonderful week and please keep in touch. If you need anything contact me at   Take Care, Hugs!!

Posted: June 1, 2020

Try out some of these activities this week!

PDF icon asdn_weekly_steam_issue_9_2.pdf703.98 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

PDF icon week_6_camp_mathematician_k-2.pdf164.53 KB


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