Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: November 8, 2020

Hi everyone. I hope you had a very enjoyable weekend filled with many fun activities. Here is what is happening this week in Kindergarten.

Read your borrow-a-books and Rhyming "at" book. See if your child can generate other words that rhyme with "at". Review the Zoo-phonics letters\sounds and actions this week. We are focusing on letters a-i. Please return your books on Friday. 

In Math, we are learning about more, fewer and equal, when comparing groups of objects. Play math games at home, take turns rolling a dice, use lego pieces, pet shop toys, cars etc as counters. Make a group of objects for the number you rolled. Have your child tell you who has, more, fewer or equal objects. We are also working on identifying numbers tha tcome before or after a given number. Practice this at home by asking question like: what number do you say before 3 or what number do you say after 5? Students should answer quickly, notice if they have to count to get the answer. 

Library- We have library every Tuesday. Students must return their book in order to sign out a new one. Keep the book for the week

No School-Remembrance Day,Wednesday, November 11th-  On Remembrance Day, we honour those brave soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we may live freely in our beautiful, peaceful country,Canada. For our tomorrows they gave their today. Let us never forget. Please take time to remember them.                                                    

We have been learning of the importance of Remembrance Day and why we should wear a poppy. Each class will be collecting poppy donations which will be sent to the Canadian Legion.Thank you for your support.

Phys. Ed. Classes- We have gym class this week on Thursday and Friday. Wear comfortable clothes to run and exercise in.

Picture Retakes\Sibling pictures will be on Thursday, Nov.12, for those students who returned the signed form indicating they wanted these pictures taken. 

Dreambox and Squiggle Park online learning- I have sent home the codes and letters for both of these sites for you to explore when you have time. It is not expected that you complete a certain amount of lessons, they are meant as a fun way for your child to get extra learning in Math and Literacy.The children had a lot of fun exploring the games.These sites will also be used should we switch to on line learning. I have added the letters for both on our classroom page. Thanks for your support, everyone!!! 

Take care everyone! Smile and have a wonderful week in Kindergarten!!


Posted: November 1, 2020

Comngratulations to Alex, Lukin, Thomas and Wally. Our I CARE Kids for October. These boys are always happy and get alomg well with everyone.Great job boys!!!

Posted: November 1, 2020

We had celebrating Halloween together. We sang songs, danced and played fun math and literacy games. We enjoyed our yummy fruit and veggie trays. 

Posted: November 1, 2020

The children had a lot of fun creating their Halloween art.They mixed red and yellow paint to make their jack-o-lanterns  and did a great job with their cats, ghost, Frankenstein and witches. 

Posted: November 1, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you had a fun Halloween. I can't wait to hear about your costumes and what you did to celebrate this special day.Can you believe we are in November? It is hard to believe we are now in our third month of school. Here's whats going on this week in Kindergarten.

Homework-This week we are working on increasing letter\sound fluency. Students say as many letters as they can on the sheet in one minute. Try again, can you say the letters faster?Did you say more this time? Now try saying the letter sounds quickly. Practice each night if you can.Two borrow-a-books go home this week. Read the books a few times during the week.Have your child point to the words, use the picture and look at the beginning letter, say it's sound and try to figure out the unknown words. Remember to sign the title of the book on the readers log, each time it's read and have your child print their name. Return homework duotang and borrow-a-books to school on Friday. You can continue to do the tracing in the ABC book, especially if you feel your child needs more practice.

Phys.Ed.Classes- Our classes are every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.Dress in comfortable clothing on these days.

Library- We go to the library every Tuesday, remember to return your book so you can sign out a new one.

Heart Healthy School Challenge-Our school is participating in the Heart Healthy Schools program! This program promotes the 5-2-1-0 message for a healthy lifestyle; which stands for 5 fruits and vegetables each day, less than 2 hours of screen time, 1 or more hours of physical activity and 0 sugar sweetened beverages. This week, starting Nov.2nd, we will trying the 5 Fruits and Vegetables a day Challenge. Please include one or 2 of these healthy snacks in your childs lunch this week. Also, it would be a big help if our students could bring in their own utensils from home when eating at the cafeteria, as it would cut down on the amount of plastic we are throwing out. Thanks!


Picture Retakes- If you wish to have picture retakes and\or sibling pictures please sign and return the form by Friday Nov. 6th. The date for picture retakes is Nov. 12th.

Have a fantastic week as you work and play the Kindergaten way!!



Posted: October 26, 2020

We participated in the "Take Me Outside" day on Friday. The students had a lot of fun searching for and finding all the special ingredients for our witches brew. 

Posted: October 25, 2020

The children had fun using the Ipads to play Math games on the Dreambox website.

Posted: October 25, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend and are ready for a fun, short week of school. We only have a four day week as there is No School for students on Friday, October 30th.This will be a PD day for Teachers.

Cooler Weather-The weather is certainly getting cooler and we may even see some snow this week.Brrr!! Be sure to wear your hat, mittens, coats and boots.

Virtual Pumpkin Carving\Decorating Contest- Monday, October 26th is the deadline to enter the pumpkin carving\decorating contest. Send your pictures of your carved\decorated pumpkin to

Dreambox Math-On Monday, I will be sending home an information letter regarding the Dreambox website,the school is using this year, to reinforce curriculum concepts covered in Math. Mrs. Maloney was in our class on Friday to help the students logon and begin playing their math games. The children were very excited and had a lot of fun doing math on their own I-PAD.Check out the pictures on this page. The letter gives you all the details for login and your childs user name and login picture can be found in the front of their agenda. 

Homework- Students will continue with the alphabet tracing book, reviewing zoo-phonics actions, letters and  sounds.Please be sure that the children are following the arrows when tracing the letters, to ensure they are tracing them correctly. Students also have 3 books to read this week," Fire Truck", "I see Halloween" and "Halloween Counting". Encourage students to point to each word as they read. See if the can find the words "I, can,see, a", in the books. Please record what your children read each night,including the My ABC tracing book and have them print their name. The reading log is for recording only the borrow-a-books and not the library books. For this week, please return reading bags and all books to school on Thursday.Thanks! 

Library- We go to the library on Tuesday. Students must return their book in order to sign out a new book.Students choose books they would like to have read to them. Keep this book for the week. Happy reading!!

Phys.Ed.- Our Phys. Ed. classes are Wednesday and Thursday this week. Please dress in your comfy clothes on these days.

Mask & Water Bottles- Remember to pack your water bottles and mask for school. Students are doing a great job with their mask, sometimes they even forget they have them on. 

School Picture Orders are due Thursday, October 29th.

Orange & Black Day- In celebration of Halloween, we are asking students and staff to wear orange aand black clothing on Thursday October 29th. The school will provide each class with a veggie and fruit tray,instead of students bringing in treat bags.

Have a great week at school and a very Happy and safe Halloween!!! 

Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Posted: October 25, 2020


Sat, Oct 31/20 (All day)

Posted: October 21, 2020


Thu, Oct 29/20 (All day)

Orders for school pictures are due today. Fill out the envelope and please return to class. We have not yet received a date for retakes but, will let you know when we do.


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Added: Sat, Oct 26 2024


Added: Sun, Apr 23 2023