This month we will begin by sending our class letter that we write together introducing ourselves and our school. Later we will be chatting with our new pen pals from Texas. Last week I told the students that the grade two class in Texas was very disappointed, as was I, that there was only one grade two class in Nelson this year. So Miss. Sullivan and I thought it would be a great idea to pair up with them even though we are a third grade class. YEAH!!!!
So starting this week we will be begin our pen pals letters and sharing with them our Thanksgiving Tradtions in Canada. It sure is great to be able to take part in this exchange with our friends from Texas again this year.
Fall is now upon us and Thanksgiving is just a week away. So just a friendly reminder that there will be no school on Monday, October 10th. Happy Holidays everyone I sure hope you enjoy your day off with your family and friends.
Just a reminder that we have Library on Thursday and you will need to pack up your book and have it back for then.
Just in case you had forgot about Phys. Ed you will need to bring your clothes on Monday and Thursday each week. Try hard not to forget them.
District Math Assessments begin this week. Make sure that we get a good night sleep and come to school ready to work. This test will be used to see what areas of Math the grade three students are weak in so that we can focus our teaching in those areas. It is a fairly short test and mostly just basic questions or a review of the grade two curriculum. Good luck everyone!
Homework should never be to hard. If anyone is having difficulty doing their homework please send me in a note saying so and I will go over it again with them. Starting this week and for the rest of the year our Spelling words will be in our Agendas. Every two weeks the students will be tested on 10 words. It is up to you how you study them, all at once or a few a night.
In Math, there will either be a sheet sent home and the work can be done on it or the students will have questions assigned from the text and these will be done on loose-leaf neatly and with their pages labelled with their name and date and page number.
Of course there is Reading every night for 10 minutes, without interruption and they have to record it in their READING LOGS
Soon there will be some writing coming home. Mostly the students will be bringing home a piece they have been working on and will have to finish up a bit of it that they did not get completed in class. Also they might do some editing as well.
Remember homework should be a review of a skill learned already in class, therefore the students should know how to do it independently.