Mrs. Woods Notes

Grade 3


Posted: September 8, 2017

We had a great week in Grade 5!  What an awesome, eager to learn bunch in 5W!

There will be no homework on the weekend, although I am encouraging the students to look for an "artifact" (a tool, toy or other interesting object from the past) that they could share with the class for our Social Studies theme of Investigating the Past.

Have a great weekend!

Posted: September 5, 2017

First day of school!  We had a great day!  Our class is wonderful...and very well behaved!  Homework for today is to show parents all of the forms in our agendas and fill out/bring back those that need to be brought back.

Student fees for this year are $20 (Elementary)

Picture day for Elementary is Thursday, Sept. 7.

Don't forget GYM CLOTHES for tomorrow!

Posted: August 31, 2017

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a fun-filled summer!  I am excited to be your teacher...we are going to have a great year!

Posted: January 29, 2016

We have had another busy week in Grade 3! 

In Math, we are continuing to practice subtracting with re-grouping and also, we are working on learning our multiplication facts.  So far, we have learned the ones times table and the two times table.

We have started a novel study....Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl.  It is a funny book and we are learning lots of new vocabulary.

In Science, we have started a new unit on plants.  This week, we learned how seeds travel and made models of different types of seeds to observe how they fly.

Our PenPal letters arrived from British Columbia and we were very excited to read the letters from our new friends!  We have replied to their letters and can't wait to hear from them again.

Posted: May 19, 2015

 Tomorrow, Wed., May 20 we will be going to JMH to watch their musical, "Mary Poppins".  Students are asked to bring $2 to help cover the cost.

Posted: May 11, 2015

 Tomorrow the Elementary classes will head to JMH for Drama Festival! Wednesday is our student intern's last day.  We will miss having Ms. Sweezey in our classroom and wish her all the best as she begins her teaching career!Wednesday evening is Family Night at our Book Fair.Thursday evening the Elementary students will present their musical for parents. 

Posted: May 11, 2015

Today we had a chance to review and experiment with the concepts we have learned in Science in our unit on SOUNDsound literacy - reading and writing about soundmaking sound waves

Posted: January 9, 2014

Welcome back!  It sounds like everyone had an enjoyable Christmas Break!  We have been busy this week telling and writing stories about Christmas and sharing our Show and Tell items.  In Math, we have been reviewing addition strategies and numbers to 20.  Next week we will be focusing on SUBTRACTION.   Don't forget, we will be going skating on Monday, Jan.13.  Parents are welcome to join us if possible.

Posted: December 18, 2013

Last week we enjoyed a yummy turkey dinner AND a visit from SANTA!  This wee, we are busy getting ready for Christmas.  Our concert was today and we did an awesome job!  On Friday, we will listen to the story The Polar Express AND we get to wear our pajamas to school! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

Posted: November 7, 2013

Grade One will be going skating on December 9 at 9:40 a.m.

Posted: November 7, 2013

Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held tomorrow (Nov. 8)  at 10:00 in the gym.  We have discussed the importance of this event and what appropriate behaviour looks and sounds like.  We are looking forward to meeting the veterans and showing our respect and gratefulness to them.The students have created some beautiful Remembrance Day artwork which is on display in the hallway.

Posted: October 31, 2013

Grade One was lots of fun today with Halloween BINGO, Halloween writing, Halloween stories and...HALLOWEEN TREATS!!   Thanks to everyone who sent in treats!  

Posted: October 25, 2013

   We had a great time carving our pumpkin today!  We descibed how it felt, weighed it and some of us even TASTED it!! Have a great weekend! 

Posted: October 24, 2013

The countdown is on!  Only one week until Halloween!!   The students in 1W  have been working hard at writing stories!  If you get a chance, check out our "What Will You Be For Halloween" stories posted just outside our classroom! We had fun today with Clare's Show & Tell.  She brought cattails and we were "scientists", observing and describing what they looked like, how they felt and then....what is INSIDE the cattails!!!  It was SO exciting!Yesterday, we met with our Buddies and created posters after learning a little about Children's Rights.

Posted: October 15, 2013

Welcome back!  It sounds like everyone had a wonderful long weekend!  The students were eager to share their stories about turkey dinners,hunting, visiting with family and playing outside. This week in Grade 1:Math:  we will continue to work on representing numbers to 20.  This includes counting, making sets, usung ten frames, printing numbers.Language Arts:Writing:  choosing a topic, adding details, using the Word Wall, stretching out wordsReading:  using picture clues, sounding out words, reading for meaning Word Work:  the "at" family
