Mr. Waye - Archive - 01/2010 Notes

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Posted: November 30, 2009

Research the story of a soldier.  Students are encouraged to use multiple sources and find a good story that explains the empowerment issues that soldiers are/were fighting for.  Task: 1. Give a summary of the story of the soldier. 2. Outline what war they were fighting in? 3. Where did they come from? 4. What did fighting in the war do for empowerment? 5. What did they do in their life after the war?   Outline: Make sure you site all your sources of information. Prepare a powerpoint presentation of your project Remember to prepare a good oral presentation and do not overload your visual presenation

Posted: October 28, 2009

  1. Where is the change of pressure? (explain using a diagram where the changed of pressure occurred) 2. What force did that change of pressure create? 3. Remember Newton's Laws (every action has an equal and opposite reaction), How would this explain how the air particles that are moving off the propeller creates lift?

Posted: October 27, 2009

Lab write-up for the 2nd cycle growing yeast activity.
Microsoft Office document icon Growing_Yeast.doc27.5 KB

Posted: October 22, 2009

The Review powerpoint for the cells section has been posted in the document section - it is also available on the wiki.
Office presentation icon Cells_review.ppt651 KB

Posted: October 14, 2009

All Students and Parents should be aware of the online classroom resources that are offered.  - All of these resources are linked below - See Web Links Wiki All class assignments, worksheets, and project outlines are posted on the Wiki Page. ( For those who are unsure how a Wiki works, it is basically a working online document that you can click and grab information. Blogs All Assignment details and classroom updates dealing with classes that I teach (8H, 7/8M, 7H, & 6P) are posted on my blog (  Since I don't teach my homeroom a different blog ( was created to post the homework that my homeroom has on a nightly basis.

Posted: September 18, 2009

From the Myth Busters project that you did, you will now preform 3 individual assignments that are all parts of the scientific method.  Now they are broke down into smaller sections.  This section is the Experiment.
Microsoft Office document icon Developing_the_Experiment.doc26 KB

Posted: September 15, 2009

Please upload and follow this format to ensure that you complete all aspects of the assignment
Microsoft Office document icon myth_busting.doc28 KB

Posted: September 15, 2009

Also see the pictures to see a .jpg of this page - it may be easier to see it
PDF icon mitosis_coloring.pdf613.47 KB

Posted: September 15, 2009

Attached is the notes regarding plant and animals cells
Microsoft Office document icon plant_and_animal_Cells.doc522.5 KB