Mr. Methot Notes

This page will keep parents/guardians of 6M FI informed and updated.


Posted: September 27, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Thanksgiving turkey dinner will be served at school on October 7th. Please return the order form with $7 by October 1st if you are interested in purchasing the meal. 

- School picture orders are due back in the money envelope by October 8th if you would like to order school pictures. 

- Phys ed class tomorrow.

- Math:  There will be a quiz/test for all students on Wednesday. For grade 5 it will be on 5/6 digit numbers, and for grade 6 it will be on positive/negative integers. Students have textbook questions to complete for tomorrow. 

Grade 5 - pg. 45-46 #3,4,6,7,8,10,12

Grade 6 - pg. 76 #1,2,3,4 

                pg. 80 #1,2,3,4,5

                pg. 81 #7,8,9,10

Posted: September 24, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes (all students went to the library yesterday and signed out a French book).

- Thanksgiving turkey dinner will be served at school on October 7th. An order form was sent home yesterday. Please return the order form with $7 by October 1st if you are interested in purchasing the meal. 

- Proofs from picture day went home today. Orders are due back in the money envelope by October 8th if you would like to order school pictures. 

Posted: September 23, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes (all students went to the library today and signed out a French book).

- Thanksgiving turkey dinner will be served at school on October 7th. An order form was sent home today. Please return the order form with $7 by October 1st if you are interested in purchasing the meal. 

Posted: September 22, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Phys ed class tomorrow.

Posted: September 21, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Home learning kits were sent home today from Mrs. Murphy. 

- Grade 6 students received information regarding an upcoming vaccination clinic. Please return if interested. 

- Grade 5 students who are playing elementary soccer have received their uniform and game schedule for the season. 

Posted: September 20, 2021

- Read (in both languages). Students should be reading for about 20 minutes each night. 

- Phys ed. class tomorrow. 

Posted: September 17, 2021

The entire class (including myself) had an awesome afternoon at Fletcher's Farm! I will post some pictures on here soon. Have a nice weekend everyone! 

Posted: September 16, 2021

- We will be going to Fletcher's Farm as a class tomorrow from 12:30-2:30. The corn maze could be muddy, so I would suggest that students wear a pair of outdoor sneakers that they don't mind getting dirty. 

- A memo from Mrs. Murphy was sent home last week. Please sign and return if you have not already. 

- A September school memo was sent home with students today. 

Posted: September 15, 2021

- We will be going to Fletcher's Farm as a class this Friday from 12:30-2:30. 

- A memo from Mrs. Murphy was sent home last week. Please sign and return if you have not already. 

- Students have phys ed class tomorrow. Please make sure they have a change of gym clothes. 

Posted: September 14, 2021

- We will be going to Fletcher's Farm as a class this Friday from 12:30-2:30. Please send in $3 if you have not yet.

- A memo from Mrs. Murphy was sent home last week. Please sign and return if you have not already. 

- Any student in grade 5 who is interested in playing elementary soccer this fall received a permission sheet yesterday from Mrs. Maloney. Please sign and return this form tomorrow. 

Posted: September 13, 2021

- Picture day is tomorrow! 

- We will be going to Fletcher's Farm as a class this Friday from 12:30-2:30. Please send in $3 if you have not yet.

- Phys ed class tomorrow!

- A memo from Mrs. Murphy was sent home last week. Please sign and return if you have not already.

- Any student in grade 5 who is interested in playing elementary soccer this fall received a permission sheet today from Mrs. Maloney. Please sign and return this form tomorrow. 

Posted: September 10, 2021

- Student fee (grade 5 - $20, grade 6 - $30, family - $40). Please pay this as soon as possible. 

- Picture day is next Tuesday (Sept. 14). 

- We will be going to Fletcher's Farm as a class next week on Friday, Sept. 17 from 12:30-2:30. Please send in $3 per student next week to cover the cost if you have not already. 

- Students have phys ed class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure they have a clean change of gym clothes on these days. 

- A memo from Mrs. Murphy was sent home yesterday. Please sign and return next week if you have not already.


Wishing everyone a great weekend! :)   

Posted: September 9, 2021

- Student fee (grade 5 - $20, grade 6 - $30, family - $40). Please pay this as soon as possible. 

- Picture day is next Tuesday (Sept. 14). 

- Permission forms and information memos were sent home this week. Check for any changes on the white student information sheet and return. Sign the green media coverage and field trip consent form and return as well please. 

- We will be going to Fletcher's Farm as a class on Friday, Sept. 17 from 12:30-2:30. Please send in $3 per student to cover the cost. 

- Students have phys ed class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure they have a clean change of gym clothes on these days. 

- A memo from Mrs. Murphy was sent home today. 

Posted: September 8, 2021

- Student fee (grade 5 - $20, grade 6 - $30, family - $40). Please pay this as soon as possible. 

- Picture day is next Tuesday (Sept. 14). A memo was sent home today. 

- Permission forms and information memos were sent home yesterday. Check for any changes on the white student information sheet and return. Sign the green media coverage and field trip consent form and return as well please. 

- We will be going to Fletcher's Farm as a class on Friday, Sept. 17 from 12:30-2:30. Please send in $3 per student to cover the cost. 

- The cafeteria menu for this month was sent home today. 

Posted: September 7, 2021

The students and myself had a great first day of school! Here are a few reminders that are important to note:

- Student fee (grade 5 - $20, grade 6 - $30, family - $40)

- Picture day is next Tuesday (Sept. 14)

- Permission forms and information memos were sent home today. Check for any changes on the white student information sheet and return. Sign the green media coverage and field trip consent form and return as well please. 

- We will be going to Fletcher's Farm as a class (likely Friday, Sept. 17). Please send in $3 per student to cover the cost. 

- Cafeteria menus will be going home tomorrow for the month of September. The main meal tomorrow is "sweet & sour chicken with rice & veggies". 
