Mr. Methot Notes

This page will keep parents/guardians of 6M FI informed and updated.


Posted: September 5, 2021

It is that time of year again as we kick off another exciting school year! 

This page is intended to inform parents/guardians of students in my homeroom class, 5/6M F.I., of what is going on at school throughout the 2021-2022 school year. Please check this page regularly as I will be posting daily (or at least most days) in the afternoon regarding homework, updates, or any relevant information to share with families. 

If ever you need to contact me, I can be reached by email:

I am looking forward to getting to know all of the students of 5/6M and am hopeful for a healthy and happy year!


- Mr. Methot 

Posted: June 24, 2021

- We will have pizza tomorrow for lunch as a class to end off the school year!

- Congratulations to all the award recipients from today! 

Posted: June 23, 2021

- Award ceremony and grade 8 banquet will be tomorrow. Pizza will be served for lunch. Dress is semi-formal. 

- We will have pizza again Friday for lunch as a class to end off the school year. 

Posted: June 21, 2021

- Read 

- Math:  Sign quiz 

- Tomorrow we will be going on a boat tour in the morning and having Survivor challenges in the afternoon, along with a barbecue for lunch! 

Posted: June 18, 2021

- Read 

- Math:  Sign quiz and complete sheets for Monday. 

- Return consent form signed for year-end activities happening next Monday and Tuesday! 

- Monday afternoon we will be going to the High Elements Course at MVHS.

- Tuesday we will be going on a boat tour. 


Posted: June 17, 2021

- Read 

- Math:  Sign quiz and complete sheets for Monday. 

- Middle School Field Day tomorrow! Dress prepared to be outside for the majority of the day. 

Posted: June 16, 2021

- Read 

- Math:  Sign quiz.

- Return permission form for gel nail session (if interested). 

- Special lunch meal served tomorrow for those who ordered it. 

- Middle School Field Day on Friday! 

Posted: June 15, 2021

- Read 

- Return permission form for gel nail session (if interested). 

- Field Trip to Middle Island tomorrow! Please dress accordingly to be outdoors. Bring a lunch and money for ice cream. 

- Special lunch meal served on Thursday for those who ordered it. 

- Middle School Field Day on Friday! 

Posted: June 14, 2021

- Read 

- Return permission form for gel nail session (if interested). 

- Memo from Nelson Garden Club.

- Special lunch meal served on Thursday for those who ordered it. 

Posted: June 3, 2021

- Read 

- Math: Quiz tomorrow.

- Wear an orange shirt tomorrow in honour of the bodies of children found at a former residential school.

- Large freezies will be on sale tomorrow for $1 each! 

Posted: June 2, 2021

- Read 

- Wear an orange shirt on Friday in honour of the bodies of children found at a former residential school.

- Wear/bring your grade 8 hoody to school tomorrow!

- Large freezies will be on sale Friday for $1 each! 

Posted: June 1, 2021

- Read 

- Wear an orange shirt on Friday in honour of the bodies of children found at a former residential school.

Posted: May 31, 2021

- Read 

- Wear an orange shirt on Friday in honour of the bodies of children found at a former residential school.

Posted: May 25, 2021

- Read 

Posted: May 18, 2021

- Read 

- Math:  Complete textbook questions for Thursday (pg. 331 #7,8; pg. 336 #3,4,7; pg. 342 #7; pg. 347 #4,5). 
