Mr. Methot Notes

This page will keep parents/guardians of 6M FI informed and updated.


Posted: January 14, 2022

For science class, students are to finish their write-up on Microsoft Word for our heart rate investigation we performed before Christmas break. Students have their information in their duotangs, and I had also posted files (on December 15th) on our home learning science Team if students don't have their duotang. 

I have set the due date for the end of the day on Monday to complete this assignment. Once finished, students can submit their write-up document on Teams under the assignment titled "Expérience - Rythme Cardiaque". 

Wishing everyone a fun and snowy weekend! 

Posted: January 13, 2022

I hope everyone is doing well. Here is what students should be completing or have completed already for math:

- Grade 5:  The double-sided sheet from the learning packet "Modèles de Fractions". Work on some multiplication facts from the sheet "Multiplication des faits à 81" on the first side (it does not all need to be completed at once). 

- Grade 6:  Page 9 (questions #1 and #2), page 10, and page 11 from the learning packet. 

Posted: January 12, 2022

Just a reminder for students to make sure to be checking their Teams frequently for any posts with information regarding Teams class calls or work to be completed. I consistently relay information for each subject/class through the respective Team. And don't only check my Teams, but ones for other teachers as well to stay informed across the board.

As always, I am available through email if there are any questions or concerns. 


Posted: January 11, 2022

Here is a great resource that was shared to me by another teacher. It shows a variety of learning opportunities and activities in several different subject areas. These are all just extra ideas for those who are interested and it is not mandatory work. And by no means does the schedule of the calendar need to be followed, it is just an option and a way of possibly organizing the week.

Have some fun with it! 

Posted: January 10, 2022

Students in 5/6M and 7/8M should be checking their home learning Teams for information from myself and other teachers for their classes and different subjects. The class schedule for 5/6M is posted below and it is also taped on the inside cover of each agenda. 

I will always be available on Teams (by video call and through chat) for the students during the times that go with their usual class schedule. Tomorrow I will be not be teaching any lessons by video call, however I have posted some work on Teams and I will be on for any questions. 

Take care everyone. 

Posted: January 9, 2022

Happy New Year Raiders! 

I hope everyone had a nice holiday break with their families. 

We will be beginning home learning on Tuesday. On Monday afternoon from 12:00 - 4:00, students can come to the school to pick up home learning packets from their teachers. I will be providing home learning packets for students in 5/6M and 7/8M. They can also grab any books and school supplies that will be useful to have at home. 

Like before, I will be teaching virtually by posting on Microsoft Teams and having class video calls by following the students' regular class schedule. Please be checking Teams and my teacher page here for updates and information over the next couple of weeks. 

If there are any questions I am available through email ( and I can provide a student with their username and/or password to log in to Microsoft Office if they have forgotten it. 

Stay safe and healthy everyone! :) 

Posted: December 16, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Please return report card envelopes with the response form to sign and return inside. 

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Wear red, green, and/or pajamas for spirit day tomorrow! 

- Bring in your gift for the Secret Santa gift exchange tomorrow! 

Posted: December 15, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Please return report card envelopes with the response form to sign and return inside. 

- The Christmas dinner will be tomorrow at school for those who ordered it. It will be the only food served at the cafeteria.  

- Phys ed class tomorrow. 

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Wear a Christmas sweater for spirit day tomorrow! And a Christmas hat as well if you want since that was today's spirit day! 

Posted: December 15, 2021

For math students can try the different activities and challenges that are posted on Teams. 

I hope to see everyone back at school tomorrow. 

Posted: December 15, 2021

Good morning everyone. 

For science students can continue working on typing up their good copy on Word for the scientific investigation we did with the effect of exercise on your heart rate. On Teams I have included my example of a title page as well as all the sections that are required for their write-up. If finished, the good copy can be sent to me through Teams. 

Posted: December 15, 2021

Good morning everyone.

Today students can continue to work on their autumn research assignment that we started last week. Each student was given a topic related to autumn that they are to research to find 5 interesting facts about. They are to then type their 5 interesting facts in French on a Microsoft Word document in complete sentences. Once this is done they can send me the document through Teams. 

Next they can begin to create a PowerPoint presentation using their 5 interesting facts about their topic. Be sure to include some pictures as well! 

I have a list of everyone's topic if someone has forgotten it, just let me know. 

Here is a fun Christmas song to listen to and enjoy: - 12 Jours de Noel


Posted: December 15, 2021

Good morning everyone.

I have included on Teams (7/8M Math Home Learning) some questions and an activity that students can be working on today at home. There is one post for grade 7 and another for grade 8. 

Grade 7:  Questions de pratique - pg. 29 #7 et 8, pg. 34 #6 (avec l'image de la fille), pg. 45 #8,9,11.

                Activité de tracer les points dans le graphique pour faire un dessin de Noel! 


Grade 8:  Questions de pratique - pg. 356 #7, pg. 357 #10,11,12.

                Activité de tracer les points dans le graphique (4 quadrants) pour faire un dessin de Noel! 

Posted: December 14, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Please return report card envelopes with the response form to sign and return inside. 

- The Christmas dinner will be this Thursday. 

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Wear a Christmas hat for spirit day tomorrow! 

Posted: December 13, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Please return report card envelopes with the response form to sign and return inside. 

- The Christmas dinner will be this Thursday. 

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Christmas Shop is tomorrow at school. Each student can bring in $5 - $10 to shop for gifts for their family! :) 

- Phys ed class tomorrow. 

Posted: December 10, 2021

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Sign math assessments and return if not done already. 

- Please return report card envelopes with the response form to sign and return inside. 

- The Christmas dinner will be on December 16th. 

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Grade 6 students please hand in the 2 math sheets Monday if you haven't yet. 

- A memo was sent home regarding the Christmas Shop at school on Tuesday. 


Have a safe and fun weekend! 
