Mr. Methot Notes

This page will keep parents/guardians of 6M FI informed and updated.


Posted: February 16, 2022

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Phys ed class tomorrow.

- The special meal that was going to be Thursday has been moved to next Wednesday for lunch. Orders can still be handed in at school. The cost is $7.

- Be sure to dress warm for recess outdoors. 

Posted: February 15, 2022

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- The special meal that was going to be Thursday has been moved to next Wednesday for lunch. Orders can still be handed in at school. The cost is $7.

Posted: February 14, 2022

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Phys ed class tomorrow. 

- Wear red/white tomorrow for Flag Day!

- Slips were sent home last week to order a special lunch meal on Thursday. The cost is $7. Please return slips with money tomorrow if interested in ordering. 


Happy Valentine's Day!!! 

Posted: February 10, 2022

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Grade 6 students: Please hand in the "Activité de Recherche" sheet that you worked on at home for math during home learning from your first learning packet. 

- Jersey Day tomorrow!

- Slips were sent home today to order a special lunch meal on February 17th. The cost is $7. 

Posted: February 9, 2022

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Grade 6 students: Please hand in the "Activité de Recherche" sheet that you worked on at home for math during home learning from your first learning packet. 

- Phys ed class tomorrow. 

Posted: February 7, 2022

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Grade 6 students: Please hand in the "Activité de Recherche" sheet that you worked on at home for math during home learning from your first learning packet. 

- Phys ed class tomorrow. 

Posted: February 2, 2022

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Grade 6 students: Please hand in the "Activité de Recherche" sheet that you worked on at home for math during home learning from your first learning packet. 

- Phys ed class tomorrow. 

Posted: February 1, 2022

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Grade 6 students: Please hand in the "Activité de Recherche" sheet that you worked on at home for math. I keep forgetting to ask for this at school however I will make sure to ask for this tomorrow. It was a sheet in the first home learning packet. 

- Complete and hand in "healthsmart comprehension" for Mrs. Murphy. 

- Bring winter clothes tomorrow and be prepared to go outside with Mr. Page for exploratory class. 

Posted: January 31, 2022

It was great to see all the students back in person at Nelson Rural School today. 

- Read for 20 minutes.

- Report card envelopes can still be returned if not already.

- Yearbook orders ($20). 

- Phys ed class tomorrow. Be prepared to be outside in the snow if it isn't too cold. Also, have a change of indoor clothes ready in case it is too cold and class is in the gym. 

Posted: January 28, 2022

Happy last day of home learning!

Just a few reminders...

For science, students have a small research assignment to complete and submit titled "Parfaitement Adapté" on Teams under the assignments. I would like this submitted to me by the end of the weekend. 

For math, grade 5 students have a fractions quiz to complete on Teams under the assignments. This evaluation will be open until the end of the day on Sunday.

Grade 6 students should have the "Activité de Recherche" sheet completed from their first home learning packet. I will be collecting these at school on Monday.

Thank you everyone for your cooperation and patience over these past few weeks. I am certainly looking forward to having all the students back at Nelson Rural next week.

Have a great weekend! :) 

Posted: January 27, 2022

Here is what students should be completing today for math class:

Grade 5 - From the second home learning packet, the sheet titled "Fractions Équivalentes" if it isn't finished already, and they can also chip away at the sheet titled "Sont-Elles Équivalentes?". 

Grade 6 - Questions #1 and #3 on page 250 from the textbook. 


Posted: January 26, 2022

Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. 

For science, students should make sure to share a picture or video of their "illusion d'optique" on Teams with a small explanation of their illusion and how it works if they haven't already. 

For math, grade 5 students should make sure to complete the "Modèles d'un Ensemble" sheet from their home learning packet (the 2nd one). Grade 6 students should have question #2 on pg. 250 from the textbook complete. 

Posted: January 20, 2022

There will be a home learning packet available from myself to be picked up for all students in 5/6M and 7/8M. The packet can be picked up Friday afternoon at the school from 12:30 - 3:30.

Thank you.

Posted: January 19, 2022

Here is what students should be working on and completing for math:

Grade 5 - Complete practice questions from the textbook on page 169 (questions #6,7,10). They can also practice their multiplication and division facts (a bit at a time) from the sheets in their packet. 

Grade 6 - Complete the sheet from their packet titled "Activité de Recherche". This sheet is to be handed in to me once all students return back to school in person. Here is the web link that students can use that will take them to the data-base where they can research to find the answers:

Thank you! 

Posted: January 17, 2022

For math class today, students were assigned questions from the textbook to practice based on today's lesson.

Grade 5 - pages 168-169 #2,6,7

Grade 6 - pages 31-32 #2,3,4

Also for science, students need to be sure to submit the scientific write-up (Word document) based on our heart rate investigation. 

