
Posted: December 14, 2020


Posted: December 8, 2020

Letter to Parents and Guardians concerning the winter season.

Posted: December 3, 2020


Posted: December 3, 2020

This week we are switching from our fruit and veggie Challenge to our Water Challenge! Listen to our morning announcements for tips and check out the link below or the attachment under "Documents" about why water is a healthier choice than other drinks! It will surprise you! Stay tuned! There will be a contest this week!

Posted: November 27, 2020

We would like to give a round of applause to all our elementary and middle school students who were involved in the CBC Music contest! We have such talented students at Nelson Rural! Well done everyone!! You can watch these videos by clicking on the below links!

Posted: November 27, 2020

We would like to give a round of applause to all our elementary and middle school students who were involved in the CBC Music contest! We have such talented students at Nelson Rural! Well done everyone!! You can watch these videos by clicking on the below links!

Posted: November 23, 2020

Friday is HAT day for the entire school! This is to kick off our Spirit week which we will be having next week! Students can bring in a $2 donation and wear a hat in school on Friday. All proceeds will be going to the Food bank.

Posted: November 14, 2020

Sibling & Picture Retakes have been rescheduled for November 23rd

Posted: November 13, 2020

MESSAGE from our Superintendent:

Posted: November 7, 2020

Nelson Rural will remember... The grade 6/7 M will be hosting a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony for students on Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 pm. This will be live streamed on our School Facebook page "Nelson Rural School Information". Students will be watching and participating from their classroom. Students do not need to dress up for this ceremony as they will be watching in their classroom. 


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