Ms. Moar

Ms. Moar's Grade 1/2

Posted: April 14, 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter with your family. Today is the start of Week 2 Home Learning. I want to remind you to do what you can and have fun!  This is new to everyone and I would appreciate any feedback that you may have.  You can continue to follow the April calendar.  I've also added the sight words and some fun math games that you can play, all you need is a deck of cards. 

If you have any questions, feedback or maybe some pictures that you'd like to share with the class, you can email me at


Miss you all very much!!


Posted: April 13, 2020

Here are the sight words that we have been focussing on in class.  Try to practice them a couple of times a week. Once you recognize them by sight, you can start to practice their spelling.  Make it fun!

Hangman, sight word hop scotch, sidewalk chalk words, word of the day, etc

Posted: April 7, 2020

Our school was involved in a pilot program through the Department of Education. The Grade 2 students in my class have been using the program since February. 

If you are a parent of a child in second grade, please see the information & video that are attached to learn more about the program.

If you are interested in using this at home, please email me for your childs username and password.


Posted: April 6, 2020

Please read the letter attached and help your child get started on the Dream Box website!  This site is wonderful and it will allow your child to practice their math skills at home.  Have fun!!

PDF icon dreambox_letter_to_parents.pdf11.85 KB

Posted: April 6, 2020

If you have and questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail

Posted: April 2, 2020

Sight Word Fun

Posted: April 2, 2020

Here are some great websites that you and your child can check out.  This is a great way for them to practice some of their skills in both Math and Literacy!





Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well during this difficult time.  Each of you have been in my thoughts during the past few weeks, I've been wondering what you've been doing, are you having fun, do you miss school?

We will be getting ready to launch some E-Learning opportunties very soon. My plan is to make things as easy as possible for both the parents and the children.  I have decided to create a whole calendar month of simple activites that you can do at home.  As I mentioned, my intention is to make this fun, easy and stress free.  Do what you can! This calendar is mearly a guide and you can make changes as you need to.  I will also be attaching some educational websites, most are being offered for free for a trial period due to the circumstances.

Have fun & stay safe!!! Miss you all and look forward to seeing all of you soon!


Ms. Moar

File any_year_one-month_calendar1.xlsx13.87 KB


Image Galleries


Added: Fri, Dec 25 2020