Posted: February 10, 2021
ELA - reading 20 mins, complete vocab and scentences.
School clothing orders due friday
flag day friday wear canadian clothing or red.
Posted: February 10, 2021
ELA - reading 20 mins, complete vocab and scentences.
School clothing orders due friday
flag day friday wear canadian clothing or red.
Posted: February 9, 2021
ELA - read 45 min, vocab due tomorrow
Science - vocab words for tomorrow
Posted: February 8, 2021
ELA - read 45 min, Assignment signed
Gym outside this week!
Posted: February 4, 2021
ELA - read 2 min, 6 vocabulary due
Math - grade 7 - assignment due
Posted: February 1, 2021
ELA - reading 45 mins
GYM - all gym classes this week will be held outdoors, dress warm.
Posted: January 29, 2021
Memo for parents
Posted: January 28, 2021
ELA - read 20 min, 6 vocabulary due Feb. 4th
Science - Mary Anning questions, tests signed
Social Studies - letter
Posted: January 26, 2021
ELA - Read 45 min, Book Talks 5 students per day starting now (sign up), Parts of a Short Story Quiz on Wednesday, 6 vocabulary word clues, meaning, dictionary meaning and all words used correctly in a sentence due Feb. 4
Math grade 7 - pg 106 # 2,4,5 (long division)
Science - Mary Anning questions
Posted: January 25, 2021
ELA - read 45 min
Math grade 7 - attempt one example question
Posted: January 22, 2021
ELA - get slip signed and returned.