Posted: February 13, 2014
Mrs. Woods
Grade 3
Posted: January 9, 2014
Welcome back! It sounds like everyone had an enjoyable Christmas Break! We have been busy this week telling and writing stories about Christmas and sharing our Show and Tell items.
In Math, we have been reviewing addition strategies and numbers to 20. Next week we will be focusing on SUBTRACTION.
Don't forget, we will be going skating on Monday, Jan.13. Parents are welcome to join us if possible.
Posted: January 9, 2014
Sun, Jan 12/14 8:00 pm
We will be going skating on Jan 13 with our Grade 6/7 Buddies! Don't forget your skates, helmet, ski pants and mittens!
Posted: December 18, 2013
Last week we enjoyed a yummy turkey dinner AND a visit from SANTA! This wee, we are busy getting ready for Christmas. Our concert was today and we did an awesome job! On Friday, we will listen to the story The Polar Express AND we get to wear our pajamas to school! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
Posted: November 7, 2013
Lots of great games!
Posted: November 7, 2013
Students love this one!
Posted: November 7, 2013
Sight Word games
Posted: November 7, 2013
Grade One will be going skating on December 9 at 9:40 a.m.
Posted: November 7, 2013
Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held tomorrow (Nov. 8) at 10:00 in the gym. We have discussed the importance of this event and what appropriate behaviour looks and sounds like. We are looking forward to meeting the veterans and showing our respect and gratefulness to them.The students have created some beautiful Remembrance Day artwork which is on display in the hallway.
Posted: October 31, 2013
Grade One was lots of fun today with Halloween BINGO, Halloween writing, Halloween stories and...HALLOWEEN TREATS!! Thanks to everyone who sent in treats!