Mrs. O'Neill-Delano

Welcome Back

Posted: January 31, 2017

Hello Gade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Yearbook orders $20.00. Let me know if you are interested.

School Spirit--Remember to wear your school t-shirt or hoodie tomorrow. If you do not have one try to find something to wear that has gold or burgundy on it.

Math- questions 1-5 on the math sheet.

L. Arts- Draft copy of your narrative story. Include an intro plus 3 interruptors?

Social Studies- BNA British North America- Did we already have this test??

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.


Posted: January 30, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Don't forget yearbooks $20.00 if you want to order a yearbook.

Math- Sheet E 33  questions 6-8 and 11-13

Social Studies- Test coming up on the BNA British North America

\L.A- Read for 20 minutes. Prepare a good draft of a narrative story with an intro- find 3 interruptors ( commas)

That is it for tonight. It is great to have everyone back. Hope your power soon comes on in Douglasfield. Have a great evening everyoine. We will see you tomorrow.

Posted: January 24, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business:  Yearbooks $20.00. PLease see me if you are interested.

Math- Questions 1-5 N   and on back of sheet # 1-5

Language Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Find 10 commas , in the book.

Soc. Studies- Test coming up on the BNA ( British North America ).

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.

Posted: January 23, 2017

Hello grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight.

Homeroom Business:  Yearbooks. $20.00 I have forms if you are interested.

Social Studies- Test coming soon on Life in the BNA ( British North America)

Math- Worksheet E25   Row 1  questions 1 and 2   plus questions 3-4-5

l. Arts- Check Mrs. Murphy's page

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.

Posted: January 20, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for the weekend.

Homeroom Business: Yearbooks $20.00. Please see me if you are interested in ordering.

S.Studies- Finish your title page.

L.A- Read for 20 minutes and you have a book report assignment. Check Mrs. Murphy's page.  Also, a few of you still need to pass in the assignment "Life in the 1800's".

That is is for homework. Have a great weekend everyone. We will see you on Monday morning.

Posted: January 19, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business- Yearbooks $20.00. See me for an order form.

Math- Finish questions 11-15 on Math sheet for Monday.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes. You also have 4 phrases to look at. Check out Mrs. Murphy's page.

Social Studies- Last chance to finish your title page. Those of you who did not complete the assignment "Life in the 1800's", please finish this for Mr. Tozer.   Remember it is your responsibility to complete homework assignments.

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you and your finished homework tomorrow.

Posted: January 18, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight.

Homeroom Business: Yearbooks $20.00. I have order form if you are interested.

Math- Finish questions 11-15.

Social Studies- Assignment "Life in the 1800's" is due tomorrow as is the Title Page.

Language Arts- Read for 20 minutes. Check Mrs. Murphy's page for any additional work.

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.

Posted: January 17, 2017

Hello Grade 7 . Here is your homework for tonight.

Homeroom Business: Yearbooks $20.00. I have order forms if you are interested.

SKATING: It sounds like everyone had a great time. Good for you grade 7.

Math- No homework tonight!!

L. Arts- Read and finish the draft copy of your story.

Soc. S- Finish the assignment "Life in the 1800's" and your title page for Thursday.

 - Phys ed tomorrow??

That is everything for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.




Posted: January 16, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for tonight:

Homeroom Business: Yearbooks $20.00. I now have the order form. Ask and ye shall receive.


Math:  Finish the sheet on Fractions, Decimals and Percent

Soc. Studies- Finish the project "Life in the 1800's" and you have to finish your title page if you have not already done so.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes and write a rough draft of your story.

That is it for tonight. Have a great evening everyone. We will see you tomorrow.


Posted: January 13, 2017

Hello Grade 7. Here is your homework for the weekend:

Homeroom Business: Yearbooks $20.00. A new order form will go home on Monday if you wish to order a yearbook. Also---We are scheduled for SKATING on TUESDAY MORNING.

L. Arts- Read for 20 minutes

Social Studies- Please bring your test back with parent\guardian signature.

Social Studies- Finish the title page.

That's it for homework. Have a great weekend everyone. We will see you on Monday morning.



Added: Fri, Feb 16 2024