Posted: June 2, 2014
Welcome June- It is hard to believe that we are in the final month of our school year. Where did the time go? I am looking forward to a lot more fun during our last days in Kindergarten and I hope that you are too!
Homework- Please read your book a couple of times each night to build your fluency.
Phys. Ed. Class- With the nicer weather the children have been enjoying some of their gym classes outside. We have gym every Monday, Thursday and Friday. It is important that on these days that the children wear their outdoor sneakers as they will be playing running games and/or doing their walk for the Go For 42 Mango Challenge.Thanks!
Caterpillars and Butterflies- We have been enjoying our visits to Miss Sullivan's class to see their caterpillars.It has been interesting to watch the caterpillars transformation to a butterfly. Today we saw 3 new butterflies and 2 caterpillars that have gone into their chrysalis.Very Cool!
Library- This Wednesday will be our final visit to the library. Please remember to return your book as all library books must be returned to the library by June 6th. Thanks!
Show and Tell- We have finished our Show and Tell activity for the year. This has been a very fun and valuable oral language activity for the children. The more prepared the student was the more confident they were talking about their item. Thank you for your coopeaartion at home with this activity.
Jump Rope For Heart School Event will be on June 5th. Please pass in your pledge sheets and money if you have not already done so. Thanks!