Posted: October 24, 2022
Hi Everyone!
- I hope you had a fun weekend!
- This week is our first Spirit Week of the year at Nelson Rural.
- We have some different them days and activities throughout the week!
Phys. Ed
- Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another book.
- The homework for the week is listed in the orange homework books.
- Spelling words for the week focuses on the short /i/ vowel sound.
- We will be working on them at school and sending them home to work on for homework.
- We will do a test on the words on Friday.
- Please continue with our sight word sheets. Remember to have the Homework Helper sign both sides of the sheet when you know all the words.
- The word work activity focuses on the short /i/ vowel sound, which is the focus of our spelling words. Look at the picture. Say the word. Can you spell it? Write down each sound you hear. They all have the short /i/ vowel sound. Pick 1 word and write a sentence for it. Make sure your sentence begins and ends properly and has good details.
- In Math we are working on Place Value – Tell how many tens and ones in each set and what number it makes. Counting by 1s to 30, fill in the missing numbers. Count by 2s to 20.
- Choose one book from the reading bag to read each night. Use your strategies to help with the reading and record your book on the log sheet.
Spirit Week
- Our first Spirit Week of the year will take place this week, October 24th – October 28th.
- We have theme days that students and staff can participate in.
- Monday October 24th – Black & Orange Day
- Tuesday October 25th – Plaid Day
- Wednesday October 26th – Crazy Sock/Hair Day
- Thursday October 27th – Dress Like Your Teacher Day
- Friday October 28th – Halloween Shirt/Costume Day
- If you want to carve or decorate your own pumpkin at home for the school contest, they have to be at the school by Tuesday October 25th.
Water Bottles
- Just a reminder to bring in a water bottle that you can refill and use throughout the day.
Have a fun week Grade 2!