Kinder Korner News Dec.13-17

Posted: December 12, 2021

Hello there, everyone! I hope you had a fun weekend!! The excitment is building as the days get closer to the bug day. Here is what is happening in Kindergarten this week:

Borrow-A-Book- This week, students will have 3 books to read. As students read they should; point to each word as they read it, look at the pictures as well as the beginning letter sound to help figure out an unknown word, recognize sight words from your lists. Please read a book each night and fill in the reading log, have students print their own name. Return your borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Throughout the week, review your sight words.Practice printing your words. When you can say these words quickly, without hesitation, return your page to school. Students will be tested and the next list will be sent home if they are ready. 

Library- All library books are now due. If you have not return your book, please do so this week.

Phys.Ed.-Classes are every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Be sure to wear comfy clothes on these days.

Christmas Shop- The students will be shopping for Christmas gifts on Tuesday,Dec.14th.Please send in a few dollars with your child so they can go shopping. This is always such a fun and exciting activity. There is alwys so many lovely things to choice from and the Kinders are eager to find the perfect gift for their loved ones. There is no doubt about it,this gift truly comes from their heart. It's a wonderful way to share the Christmas Spirit.Many thanks to our Home and School and all of you who have donated to this special event. We will be wrapping the gifts in class and send them home when they are finished.

Christmas Dinner will be served in the cafeteria on Thursday Dec. 16th.This is the only meal served that day.

Remember to pack your water bottles,2 extra clean mask,extra mittens,and socks.

It will be a busy but, fun week in Kindergarten, so smile and be happy and let's have an awesome week! Take care everyone!!