Kinder Korner Friday Nov. 12th

Posted: November 12, 2021

Hi there!! It it a frosty Friday morning but,the sun is shining bright. It looks like it is going to be a nice day for when you go outside later to explore, play and have fun.I hope you were able to take some time yesterday, Remembrance Day,in your own special way, to honour and remember those who sacrificed so much for our freedom.

Literacy-Today,please pick 2 of your favourite borrow-a-books and read them to someone. Point to each word, get your mouth ready to make beginning letters sounds and try to solve any unknown words. Look for any of these sight words from our first list (see documents).The words are: am,at,can,go,to,the,is,me,see,like. Now close your book and see if you can print the words you saw in your books.How many of your sight words were on the list?

Squiggle Park-play for 10-15 minutes.Have fun!!

Writing-Can you make a sentence using these sight words: to,like,go. Use a piece of paper from home.Draw a detailed picture,and remember to start your sentence with a capital letter,use spaces between your words and a period to end your sentence. 

Math-Fun Friday-Choose a favourite math activity to do:play a math game from your learning kit,or a favourite board game,Boom Cards or Show me 5! The goal is to be counting and having fun.                         **Count forward and backwards 1-10 and 10-1.Roll a dice say your number you rolled, then quickly say the number that comes before and after your number.Roll again and again!! Can you say the numbers quickly each time? **Be sure to do your Count to 100 exercises today!

Explore-Now it's time to go outside to explore and play!If you haven't already,see how many footsteps long your driveway is. I walked my driveway and it is 154 regular footsteps and 44 giant steps. It was much faster taking the giant steps! Try the Roll and Do exercise game outside in the fresh air!

Have a fantastic Friday,Kinders and enjoy your weekend!Take care,be safe,have FUN! Smiles and Hugs!Miss you!

Please reach out by email if you need anything.Send pictures, I miss your smiles! I appreciate all you do!