Kinder Korner News Feb.1st-5th

Posted: January 31, 2021

Happy February !!!Wow! Where did January go?We are in for a very busy month, with much to celebrate, such as:Groundhog's Day, Valentine's Day,Family Day, Flag Day,100th Day of School and Pink Shirt Day. 

Here's whats happening this week in Kinderegarten!

Your Homework this week:1.Read your borrow-a-books. There are 4 books,this week.Two books the students coloured in class. One is called Groundhog Day, the other is "Look at the penguin". We are  working on the letter "p" in class and will learn about penguins this week. Read one or more books each night. Point to each word as you read. Look at the beginning letter of each unknown word, sound out letters to help identify the word. Use the pictures to help solve the word.Print your name on the reading log and return your books on Friday.2.Rockstar Sight Words- Keep on practing your sight words this week. Say each word quickly and when you know all the words return your signed sheet to class. A fun way to learn the words is to play a game like we do in class. We always have a lot of fun. Print the words on paper cards,leave 2 cards blank, put all cards in a bag or tub and play a game with a family member. Pick out a card if you know it keep, if you don't it goes back in.If someone picks the card that is blank then all cards go back in amd you start the game again.You can use the words from all the word sheets in your duotamg. Have fun!! 3.Math-Play roll a groundhog dice game with a family member. The math sheet is in your green duotang. The first to draw\colour their groundhog is the winner. 

Library- We go to the library every Tuesday.Students must return their book so they can sign out a new book.Please return your book in the ziplock bag. Thanks! 

Phys. Ed. Classes- Our gym class are on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. Wear comfy clothes to run and exercise in.We have been going outside and sliding when the weather is nice. Please pack extra gloves\mittens for your child, just in case their's get wet at lunch recess. Thanks!!

Groundhog Day Graph- Please complete your sheet and return to school, if you have not already done so. by Tuesday. February,2nd, Groundhog Day.Thanks!!

Valentine Lunch Special- If your child would like to order the special please fill out the form that was sent home and return it with the money, to class on Friday,Feb.5th.

Valentine Exchange-The students will be exchanging valentines with their classmates on Feb.12. I will send home a class list on Thursday. This will give the students time to print their own valentines for their friends. Due to Covid rules we are not allowed to bring in treats. Thanks!

Have a wonderful week Kinders!! Take care and stay safe everyone!!!