Posted: March 18, 2019
We went to a production of Kalimba this morning, ask your child about it. The musical production was lively and interactive with the message that we are all unique.
le 18 mars,
We are talking about how to keep ourselves healthy ask your child to tell you one thing they can do “in French”. We have also looked at the new Canadian Food Guide and have incorporated it into our fractions unit. Ask your child to explain the plate they have completed. We have been working on food vocabulary since September so they should be able to name many items on their plate. Students are expected to bring the plates back to present to their class.
Lire et partager – 3 livre
Pratique l’alphabet – students should be able to sing the alphabet, say random letters when they are pointed to and spell their first and last names quickly and fluently in French. (almost like they do in English)