Posted: January 7, 2019
Hi Everyone!
Welcome Back!! Happy New Year!!
I hope you had a fun and relaxing holiday with your family! There is lots of snow on the playground and we are having some colder temperatures, so please make sure that you are dressed for the weather.
Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library - We have library on Tuesday, so please make sure that you bring your book back so you can sign out a new one.
Homework/Borrow-A-Book - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. We are sending home the Grade 2 sight word list for students to start working on. Go over the words this week and highlight or circle any words you don't know. These are the ones to keep working on throughout the year. It is important for students to read each night after our break. Make sure you read the book, use your strategies and record the book on the log sheet.
Math - We are working on counting by 5s to 100 and 10s starting at different numbers from 1 to 9; Making 10 and doubles; Counting with money and showing or representing numbers in different ways.
Have a super first week back!