
Posted: May 25, 2020

Each day we will be celebrating Two of our Grade 8 Class Raiders! Please see the Image Gallery or FB page with these updates! 
Congratulations to the Grade 8 class of 2020 on all of your Accomplishments at Nelson Rural and best wishes for your next chapter at JMH! 

Posted: May 20, 2020

Please read the memo from George Daley

Posted: May 18, 2020

There is an online session for Parents/Guardians that is being offered by John Fletcher. Please see the attached document.

Posted: May 13, 2020

Hi everyone!! Here is the link to the PROMO video for the Virtual Olympics of Track and Field. Check it out and if you register, have fun! It all begins next week! 

Posted: May 11, 2020

The ASD-N Virtual Olympics is a great way to stay active! Registration is now open and it is for all students and family members! 

You can register at the following link:

Posted: May 6, 2020

As Mother's Day approaches, we would like to extend a Happy Mother's day to all the special moms, Stepmoms, Grandmothers, Godmothers and all the women who make a difference in our student's lives! Happy Mother's day! Joyeuses Fête des mères! 

Posted: May 1, 2020

These are the times for Parent Pick up of student belongings. Parents will enter the front doors of the building, use hand sanitizer then proceed to the gym to pick up their child’s material. Parents will exit the gym through the elementary wing doors and exit the building through the Back door of the school. This will ensure a smooth flow and have limited parents crossing paths or meeting each other. 

Wednesday May 6- Possible day for pick up for those unavailable on their day or janitor Clean up.

Posted: April 30, 2020

Please read memo from our school district regarding personal belonging pick ups for next week. Only one parent is permitted inside the building to pick up student belongings. 

Posted: April 29, 2020

Parents/Guardians, please read memo regarding pick-ups for student belongings.Please note, the pick-up times for your child and only one parent will be allowed in the building, and no students are allowed in.

Posted: April 28, 2020

Parents/Guardians: Please see the attached document pertaining to school access for Parents and students.


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