
Posted: April 28, 2023

Middle School Students who participated in the Sewing With Seniors elective group spent the block created this quilt.  It has bee

Posted: April 4, 2023

Happening in classrooms this week!  Thanks to our Home & School, students will be engaging in learning activities while having some Easter fun! STEM challenge, Easter draw, Egg Hunt.

Posted: March 20, 2023

Congratualtions going out to Emma and Calleigh Cuthbert for top prize in the School based STEM Fair. Their project entitled, “How Does Colour Affect The Brain” snagged the annual monetary prize donated by the Davie O’Toole Bursury Fund. These girls will be one of 8 projects moving on to the district Fair on Saturday, March 25th.

Posted: March 20, 2023

ASD-N French Immersion Registration is now open for students enrolling into the program in Grade 1 or Grade 6 next year. There are 3 information sessions open to parents. Please see the attached memo for further informaiton. The registration deadline is April 28th. 

Parents can register at


Posted: March 3, 2023

We hope everyone has a safe and restful March Break.

Posted: February 28, 2023

Public Viewing:  Wednesday, March 1st @ 6:00

Donation at the door

Posted: February 16, 2023

Pictured in the background is the Grade 7-8P class who hosted our annual Flag Day assembly. In the front we have the Grade 6-7M class who were getting ready to perform for the audience. We listened to and performed beautiful music throughout the ceremony as our flags were waving. The  Gr. 7-8 class spoke about the pride we should all feel in being able to say we are "Canadian". It was a great day.

Posted: February 7, 2023

Un grand merci à nos invités, Shawn et Tasha qui ont rendu visite aux étudiants aujourd'hui pour parler du patrimoine!

Posted: January 20, 2023

Nelson Rural teachers and students are currently collecting pledges for their annual student council fundraiser.  This year teachers have challenged them to complete Numer-Action activities which combines math with physical activity. Students will be collecting pledges until Wednesday, February 15th.  NumerAction activities will take place on February 17th.  Please give what you can as the funds go directly back to the kids!

Posted: December 18, 2022

Here are the theme days for Christmas Spirit Week:

  • Monday:  Red & Green
  • Tuesday: Christmas Sweater Day
  • Wednesday:  Concert Attire
  • Thursday: Christmas Hat/Socks
  • Friday: PJ Day or School Colors/Clothing

Here are the approximate times for the Christmas Concert Performances on Wednesday, December 21st:


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