Grade 2 News September 8 - September 11, 2015

Posted: September 6, 2015

 Welcome Back To School I hope that everyone enjoyed a fun and restful summer!  Welcome to Grade 2! We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year! Please make sure you check back to our page weekly to find out what is happening in our class.   School Picture Day Get your smile ready!  Picture day for the K-5 students is on Thursday September 10th. Grades 6-8 is on Wednesday September 9th.  First Day Please note that student agendas and folders will be going home on the first day with important information and forms to be filled out. Please make sure you read through these and fill out and return those that need to be sent back.  Phys. Ed Our Phys. Ed days for this year are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.     Homework/ Borrow-A-Book These programs will start the second week of school and will be sent home from Monday-Thursday. Information outlining these programs will be sent home next week.    School Supplies Just a reminder that the fee for school supplies is $20.00. Please send this in when you can. Any supplies the students need for the school year will be purchased with this money.    Agenda/Student Fee The cost for the agenda/student fee for the K-2 students is $10.00. (There is a maximum of $40.00/family K-8) Please send this in when you can.    Have a great first week and a super year in Grade 2!