Posted: October 28, 2018
Hi Everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Just a remider that the weather is colder and we had snow too! Please make sure that you are dressed for the weather and bring your hats and mittens. It would be a good idea to keep an extra pair of socks and mittens in your bookbag just in case they get wet.
Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library - Our library day is on Tuesday, so make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.
Homework/Borrow-A-Book - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folder. This week is a reveiw week for our spelling words, so they are 12 words we already had. The focus is on the short vowel sounds. Our word work activity is missing vowels and blends for Halloween words. In Math we are working on 3D shapes and even and odd numbers. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.
Black and Orange Day - Students and staff are asked to wear black and orange on Halloween day, Wednesday October 31st.
Happy Halloween! Have a safe and fun night trick or treating!!
Have a super week!