Grade 2 News October 13 - October 17

Posted: October 14, 2014

 Hi everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends and enjoyed the beautiful weekend! We have a lot to be thankful for!   Phys. Ed Our Phys.Ed days this week are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.    Library Our library day is on Wednesday. Bring back your book, so you can sign out another one.   Scholastic Book Order The October book order is due on Friday October 17th, if you would like to order a book.    Food Bank Our school will be collecting food items for the Food Bank for the rest of this month and the month of November. Please bring in something if you can.  Math We are working on our unit of Numbers to 100. We have been working on even and odd numbers and will start ordinals and counting with money. Keep working on counting in different ways at home, forwards and backwards, by 2s, 5s and 10s.  Homework/Borrow-A-Book Please make sure you are reading your book each night and recording it on the log sheet. Homeowrk for the week is listed in the orange homework book. Our spelling words this week focus on the short /o/ vowel sound.  Class Project With Texas We have started our project with our friends in Texas. We are partnered with a Grade 2 class at St. John's Episcopal School in Dallas, Texas. We have written our class letter together and sent it to them. They sent us their letter as well.  Each student has been paired up with another student in the class and will write letters back and forth each month. Our friends in Texas are writing the letter for October. On Tuesday October 7th, we planted our tulip garden. We will observe our garden throughout the year and compare it with the one in Texas and others around the world.   Have a super week!