Posted: November 13, 2016
Hi Everyone!
I hope you enjoyed your weekend and took some time to remember those men and women who fought for our freedom and who are still protecting Canada today. Please make sure you are dressed for the weather.
Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Library - Our library day is on Wednesday. Please bring your book back so you can get another one.
Homework/Borrow-A-Book - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on the /o/ and /e/ vowel sounds that say their own name like; me and go. In Math we are working on ordinal numbers and counting with money. Please keep working on counting forwards and backwards by 2s and 10s. We will begin working on 5s this week. More work is needed on blends, so the word work will focus on that. Please make sure you read your book each night, use your strayegies to help with unknown words and record your book on the log sheet.
Class Project With Texas - We connected with our friends on Thursday. Clare, Hannah and Cameron did a wonderful job as the weather and class reporters and poetry reader. They are still getting warm weather days down there. We finished our first letters to our pen pals and mailed them out on Thursday.
Report Cards - First term report cards go home on Tuesday November 15th.
Parent Teacher Interviews - These will take place on: Thursday November 17th from 4:00 - 6:30 PM and on Friday November 18th from 9:00 - 11:30 AM. I hope to meet with all parents to discuss your childs progress.
No School - There is no school for students on Friday November 18th.
Spirit Week - The school We Day Group is hosting Spirit Week during the week of Nov. 14th - 18th. Each day is a different theme day you can dress for. It cost a $1.00 to participate for the week and they are also collecting items for the Food Bank.
Monday - Hat and PJ Day
Tuesday - Favourite Decade Day - 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s
Wednesday - Jersey - Favourite Team Clothing Day
Thursday - Twin Day - Dress the same as someone else.
Have a fabulous week!