Posted: May 25, 2022
Hi Everyone!
I hope you had a fun long weekend!
Phys. Ed
- Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.
- The homework for the week is listed in the orange homework books.
- This week for our spelling words focus on word endings. When we add /ing/ to a word, we drop the /e/ and add /ing/ and sometimes we double the last letter and add /ing/. Go over them each night. We will be working on them at school too. We will have our test on Friday.
- The word work activity involves using the spelling words. Circle the word missing from each sentence. Use the two words in the box in a sentence. Add good details and begin and end your sentences the right way.
- We have been working on reading comprehension and this week there is a story to do. Read the story 2 times. Read the question, then underline the answer in the story. Circle the right answer. If you can’t remember the answer, go back, and read it again.
- In Math we are starting to add 2-digit numbers. We have been working on different strategies and finding one that works best for us. We can use the base ten blocks; add the tens , add the ones, and get then add them together.
- Choose one book from the reading bag to read each night. Use your strategies to help with your reading and record the book on the log sheet.
Water Bottles
- Please send in a water bottle for your child to use at school. They can refill them during the day.
Have a super week Grade 2!