Grade 2 News March 9 - March13

Posted: March 8, 2020

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a fun and relaxing March Break!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Library - Our library day is Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Borrow-A-Book - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on /ay/ words and our word work activity is with the spelling words. The writing activity focuses on using voice in writing. What would you do if you were a snowman? Write about how you would feel. Make sure you begin and end your sentences properly and tell good details. In math we are starting work on the calendar, how to use it, days of the week and months of the year. We will also be working on pictographs and equal and unequal. Keep working on your facts and strategies and counting, as we will continue to work on these. Make sure that you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.

Spell-A-Thon Fundraiser - Just a reminder that all pledge money was due back on February 28th. Please get it in this week if you have not already done so.

Have an awesome week!