Grade 2 News March 26 - March 30

Posted: March 27, 2012

 Hi Everyone,  Hope you had a great weekend. Just a reminder that we are having some cold days still. Please make sure you are dressing for the weather. Bring your hats and mittens with you.       Phys. Ed - Phys.Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.    Library  Our library day is on Wednesday. Remember to bring your book.        International Project With Texas  We have had a hard time connecting for our weekly reports. We are hoping to meet with them this week. The students did an awesome job with their self portraits. We sent them along with their writing to our friends in Texas. We will be hanging their portraits up in our school soon. Check out the Photo Gallery to see the portraits. We still have no tulips yet, although a lot of the snow did melt on the garden. The tulips in Dallas have already bloomed.  Have a great week!