Posted: April 12, 2022
Hi Everyone!
I hope you had a fun weekend! This is a short week! There are only 3 school days this week.
Phys. Ed
- Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday and Wednesday.
- The homework for the week is listed in the orange homework books.
- As it is a short week, we will work on the #3 Sight word List instead of spelling words. Go over the words on the list. Can you read them quickly without hesitation? Underline the ones you don’t know and keep working on them.
- We have been working on reading comprehension and this week there is a story to do. Read the story 2 times. Read the question, then underline the answer in the story. Circle the right answer. Remember if you can’t remember the answer, go back, and read it again.
- In Math we are working on equal and unequal. Make number sentences that are equal to the number in the box. Make number sentences that are unequal to the number in the box. The 100th Day is coming up, so we have been counting to 100 in different ways. Count by 5s and 10s.
- Choose one book from the reading bag to read each night. Use your strategies to help with the reading and record your book on the log sheet.
- Reports went home on Monday April 11th.
Parent Teacher Interviews
- Wednesday April 13th from 4:00 – 6:00PM
- Thursday April 14th from 8:30 – 11:30AM
- There is a sheet in the envelope to fill out to request the day and time that works best for you. Please return it to school with your child and an appointment time will be set up for you.
- You have the choice of a phone interview or to come to the school for your meeting.
- Easter Special Meal – This will consist of ham and potatoes, veggies, milk, and dessert.
- Tuesday April 12, 2022.
No School
- The students do not have school on the following days:
- Thursday April 14th – Parent Teacher/PLD
- Friday April 15th – Good Friday
- Monday April 18th – Easter Monday
100th Day Of School
- The 100th Day of School will be on Tuesday April 19th.
- A MEMO went home outlining the activities the K-2 classes will be doing.
- We are trying to bring in 100 food items for the Food Bank, please send in a non-perishable food item if you can.
- Students are asked to bring a collection of 100 things. There was a bag sent home to put the collection in.
Water Bottles
- Just a reminder that we can’t drink from the fountains.
- Please send in a water bottle for your child to use at school. They can refill them during the day.
Have a great week Grade 2! Wishing all of my students and their families a wonderful Easter holiday!