Grade 2 News

Posted: October 10, 2011

 Hello Everyone,  I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your families. It was a beautiful weekend! I hope you got out to enjoy the sunshine.    Phys.Ed  We have Phys.Ed on Wednesday and Thursday this week.        Library  We will go to the library on Wednesday. Make sure you bring your books back.        Fire Prevention Week  This week is Fire Prevention Week. We will be talking about fire safety. Make sure you check the batteries in your smoke detectors.        Project With Texas  We have started work on our project with our friends in Texas. Together we gathered ideas and discussed what we should put in our class introduction letter. On Friday we planted our tulips with the grade 3 classes. We will post some pictures later in the week. Starting Tuesday  the students will write individual letters to their pen pals. On Friday we will begin our weekly weather and class reports.    Have a great week!