Grade 2 News

Posted: October 24, 2011

 Hi Everyone,  Hope you had a fun and restful weekend. It is hard to believe we are into the last week of October!          Phys.Ed  We had Phys.Ed today and have it again on Wednesday and Thursday.        Library  Our library day is on Wednesday. Remember to bring your book back.        Fast ForWord  We are into our 5th week of the computer based literacy program. The students are working hard every day and are trying to beat their scores. The program helps with different literacy aspects along with memory, attention, processing and sequencing.    Pumpkin Carving Contest  The Home and School is sponsoring a pumpkin carving contest for the students on Wednesday October 26th. If you would like to participate, bring your carved pumpkin to school on Wednesday.        Borrow-A-Book  Just a reminder to make sure you read each night and record the book on your log sheet.        Have a great week!