Grade 1 Updates

Posted: February 6, 2023

Here is what to take note of for this week in Grade 1:

Dress for the weather: it would be a good idea to pack extra socks, pants, hats and mitts in your bookbag each day in case of clothing getting wet. The students are having so much fun playing in the snow!

Library: we go to the library tomorrow. Please send back all books to make sure you can sign out another book for the week.


  • Read a levelled book (or two) and log it each night. Remember to use your strategies. 
  • Sight words/ letters: continue to practice what is sent home each night. If the students complete all the sight words, they can practice spelling them each night. I will notify you when the students are at this stage. 
  • Play a math game/ activity each night. Any of the games/activities that have been sent home can be played multiple times. I will be sending home new math games next week. These games will cover what we are learning now, addition. 
  • Return the levelled books at the end of the week.  
  • Remember to send back the agenda and 'bring back' 'keep home' folder to school each day.

Valentine's Day: our class will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Tuesday, February 14th. Students can bring in Valentines to exchange with their classmates. I will be sending home a list with all names in our class. The school will be giving us a fruit and vegetable tray on this day. 

Fundraiser: we kicked off our annual school fundraiser- NUMER-ACTION on Wednesday, February 1st. All students were sent home with the pledge sheets and information packages. Students are asked to practice their math facts as we will be having a test on them on February 17th. Students are encouraged to ask their family and friends to pledge them in support of all student activities at school. Pledge sheets are due back on February 15th. Pledge sheets and money can be brought to school now up until the due date. Good luck grade 1! You got this!

Skating: a reminder, we are going skating on Thursday, February 16th at 9:35-10:35AM. Please let me know if your child will need skates or a helmet.

Water Bottles: please send the students to school with a water bottle each day. 

February is going to be a very busy month! There are several special days and events that will be happening. A lot of fun to look forward to!

Have a wonderful week Grade 1!!