Welcome Back!

Posted: September 5, 2024

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a wonderful summer. 

This year I am teaching Language Arts to: Grade 6 White, Grade 6 FI Methot, and Grade 7 Hall. I will also be teaching a 6-week Personal Wellness class to each middle school homeroom. 

Here are some notes for my Grade 6/7 homerooom. 

Please turn in: 

1. The up-to-date Student Information Sheet

2. The Photograph consent form (signed) 

3. The field trip consent form (signed) 

4. The student use of technology consent form (signed) 

5. Your student fee ($40.00 for middle school students and $60.00 total for a family) 

Phys-Ed classes for Grade 6 students are on Mondays and Wednesdays and for Grade 7 students it's Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Important Dates:

- Breakfast program starts Sept 9th *If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering for this please call 506-627-4047

- Picture Day for middle school is Thursday, Sept 12th 

- Meet the Teacher will be Thursday, Sept 12th starting at 5:00 

- Terry Fox Walk is Tuesday Sept 24th (wear comfortable shoes!) 

- Fletcher's Farm Field Trip for 6/7D & 7H is Sept 24th, there will be a permission slip sent home. 

- Truth and Reconciliation Day is Sept 30th (no school). We will wear our orange shirts on Sept 27th. 

If you have any questions for me throughout the year, please email me at daryn.duplessie@nbed.nb.ca

Let's have a great year!