Posted: October 18, 2022
Language Arts: Read 15 minutes.
Math: Word Problem assignment due tomorrow.
Healthy Foods Challenge: The challenge is to eat at least 1 fruit or vegtable for morning snack each day for the rest of this week. The class with the most participants wins fruit and veggie trays to share!
Walk for Wenjack - Thursday, October 20th. Students will be participating in the Walk for Wenjack as part of our reconciliACTION for Secret Path Week. We have been learning about Chanie Wenjack and reconciliation in our Social Studies class.
Fletcher's Farm field trip - Friday, October 21st
For both Thursday and Friday, students are asked to dress in layers and wear comfortable walking shoes.
Next week: October 24-28 is spirit week!
Theme Days are as follows:
Monday - Orange and Black
Tuesday - Plaid
Wednesday - Crazy socks/hair
Thursday - Dress like your teacher
Friday - Halloween Shirt / Costume day